chemdog, holygrail, cotton candy 250w stelth grow diary


New Member
Hi everybody thought id start a grow diary to show you want im up to and get some advice and tips off better growers !

The whole grow is stealth and the only space i have is in a cupboard its not ideal but after a couple of grows ive got it pretty good i think !
Im growing in a 60 x 60 x120 tent with a 250w hps with cool tube and carbon filter im using a scrog as space is limited ...
this is my 3rd grow. the last 2 have produced about 4 and 1/2 dry oz but i only had a couple of plants in there and didnt veg for very long ive got 3 in there this time and a small plant i had planted outside and stuck in the tent after snapping my forth plant :( this time im growing a Holy Grail, Chemdog and a Cotton Candy. I turned them 9 days ago (only because i wanted some smoke for christmas)

Heres a few shots ....


The forth pic is the chemdog its started to show some sort of nute prob ive feed it water and a little epsom salt as i think it looked like amag deficiency ? The other top is other 2 look pretty good i think ?

Im using the bio bizz allmix soil and full range of nutrients, im sticking to the chart for now as i had a few probs last time but im open to any suggestions i have some advanced nutrients - bud candy, overdrive and big bud but didn't want to swamp with nutes

any thoughts ?

I will post more pics and keep you all updated if people show an interest ...



New Member
Heres a couple of pics of the little plant i put in the tent, it was half dead outside and had just started flowering a week or 2 before the others i wasnt expecting anything from it real but the tiny amount of bud thats on there does look really nice ! I think its some kind of kush from what i remember it was a free seed some 1 gave me ....

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New Member
Hi there the cotton candy was free seed i got with my others i cant remember what company it was. its growing really well its the top left corner of my tent i will post a few more pics of it later or tomorrow so you can have a better look .... i vegged the plant for 4/5 weeks from seed then turned it and.

The chemdog was actually a greenhouse seeds its there last chance as ive not been that impressed with them in the past ! But in all fairness it looked nice and healthy germinated very quick ( i put them in water for 24 + hours then in wet toilet roll untill theres a good size tail on them ) and it growing very well at the moment it had a slight yellowing on the leaves but looks to be going after i sprayed and fed with epsom salts again if nobodys over mine later i will post some pics.

All 3 main plants have fed with the full bio bizz range and seem to like it the only thing i have done different to one of them so far is the epsom salts.

over the next few weeks i will be able to get a better idea of how they are gonna grow, they are better then the last couple of grows ive had in there so im excited ! I can grow descent above average smoke but this time im determined to take the quality to the next level


Right on..mine was a delicious seeds freebie...yeah, ordered by preference, then, afterwards saw how greenhouse had been dogged so badly...then did a load of researching finding and realoIng that a lot of seed strains are alight knock off strains compared to an original then being slightly pissed, however, not snobby...hahaha...i have a few other ghs seeds I'll give a go at, some super critical for my next run, along with a haze from barneys farm.. well see how it goes, but I'm going to take a different route next time I go seed hunting...ive learned alot over the few weeks/months since purchased...haha...coool...ill keep posted to watch yours, I'm not putting mine in flower for another week, so I'll be a bit behind...i have like 3/4 clones that rooted a week ago that will basically have a 2-3 veg and a small what was a bush that has been torn apart from me learning my pruning style!...its small, but thick as shit, its also been vegging for 5 weeks now..hahaha..cotton candy though, had to clone a few, that should be a good one for fun...

and your damn right bro, take the quality to the next level!...glad your doing better and better...tgats the spirit...i was telling my wife, I enjoy growing...this really brings creativity and brains out of people...its a fun hobby, for me at least that I am,continuelly learning from and reaping from...

do you run clones at all or are you all seed?...wlild you happen to know if your stalk will get any close to as thick on a clone as kt does from seed?...i havnt hit that point yet and just curious, hsnt really thought about it


New Member
Hi unfortunately i have to run from seed all the time, although this may change in the next few months my prob is i lack of space but my friend has now started a grow and took a few cuts of my holy grail and cotton candy, so assuming the smoke is nice i should be ready to take a few cuts off him and keep it going like that. I've never grown from cuttings so wouldnt like to say about stalk thickness etc i think a lot prob depends on strain and veg time. How long do you veg yours for im trying to veg for about 4 weeks flower for 9 so a crop every 13 weeks which if i hit my target of 6 will leave me with plenty of smoke all the time, and my aim is to stop smoking tobacco before my next crop and just use my vaporiser ! The quality around here is really bad and at the moment is selling for £240 an oz or £12.50 a g which i refuse to pay ! Ive seen one bit of smoke in the last 6months i was prepared to spend my hard earned cash on !

im gonna have a look at your diary and see what your up to ...

was thinking pineapple chunk, og kush, snow white and a cheese for next time if my cutting situation dont improve :)


That holy grail!..heard thats some fire!'m not too into the kush craze, kinda been there done that I guess...its crazy the crosses they come up with these days more ofba haze and sativa,type...i wanna get fuxked up and haze fun, not just fucked up they the world shuts down!...hahaha...

as stated, I think, lol, I'm running,my,first gro like 3/4 cc clones have rooted and vegged for a combo of 2 weeks now with one more to go before I flip, and I have a cc bush that I've hacked the fuck kut of thats been growing ...5/6 weeks now....

things are still in prep, I havnt paid too much attention right now through veg, kinda complacent, cause this aero shitbturned out to be so simple...but ivwqa thinking about running 6 2-4 cola bushes and 15 single colas,every next run at least...veging the small bushes for give or take 2 months, than the sog colas for short ofna month...bit this is all just in my head...once,I flower, I'll see how my girls stretch and this and that and then I'll really have the better idea of what I want tobdo next...i took about 20 clones last night and four good ccs that I'll be able to strip off of in the next coming weeks...

anyways, hahaha...bud instability fucking sucks...not properly manicured and cured bud sucks...good and not so good shit forbthe same price...what?!'s normal though, its a fuckin shame.,.

so how do you enjoy soil growing??....have you ever tried hydro or were you just trained in soil...jsut curious..i really couldn't imagine trying to have to maintain more than one plant in soil!


New Member
yeah i used to grow using a 9 pot wilma system, pebbles, 600w hps and 1.2m tent ... trouble was i had to grow with a "friend" who turned out to be a tit. it was round his house as i didnt have enough room, he was lazy and didnt look after them properly which obviously meant a poor quality crop ! so the friendship quickly ended. i would of used a hydro system this time but can't fit it into my tent :( to be honest thou having done a few grows in the soil i really like it i only water every 4 days and as i only have the 4 to look after its big deal ... the kush craze has only just hit these shores, ive seen a lot of bud over the last 15 years but never any kush ? up until a friend was killed on a motorbike a few years ago i had access to "amsterdam" grade i think i was spoilt ! :) will post some pics in a bit when i lay my hands on my camera lead !

Have you tried the scrog method of growing ? i think it has at least doubled my crop in the past and instead of loads of shitty bud i end up with all fat colas !


No, I'm a new grower to hydro myself...helped my friend with some soil beasts a few years ago, but nothing ever major...i myself, I am not a bush man...i am very patient and always down to read,and learn, but two harvest a year?...fuck that...hahaha, I'm trying to convert my man right now to come to the dro side...hahaha...once I see how my two crops grow and what exactly to expect,out of my,tents space, also a 120 Jardin, I'm going to split it up and have 4 small bushes scroggin and about 25-30 soggin where I'd then like to run the soggers perpetually!...hahaha...scrogging is definately where its at, people complain cause of,the wait time and work involved, but its really not so bad,if,you have the passion for it I guess...

and buy, thg kush...youd think it was god the way people talk about jt!..bahaha, its not to popular here in "central Europe" either, lol..luckily,,,Amsterdam is over rated...home grown blows that place away, they just hve the strains, not always the good control quality though cause their trying to churn that shit out sk quickly, unless you find the right place...but I havnt been there in about 4 years now..,I found better and cheaper close to home and amsterdams a mere 4 hours away.,,

I'm gonna get some pics up posting from my windows phone which j csnnot post pics from...bummrr...but that's ok...

you vsn always fit,a hydro system!.,lol..


New Member
ha ha yeah several people have said the same, ive never been ! i will take a few pics if anybody comes round for a smoke of what we have round here ... I'm sure it will make you smile :) im growing in a 60 x 60 tent with 250w light, the smallest tray for hydro i could find was 60 x 65 the extra 5cm meant that i couldnt shut my door but hey thats life. i only want smoke for myself so that suits me. My scrog is 30cm off my pots i can fill it in about 4 weeks of veg. my goal at the moment is 6oz but another few grows and id hope to reach the 1g per 1watt of light. heres how there looking today pic number 2 is the cotton candy ...



Lookin good!...yeah, I actually have a 60 thatvi planned to incorporate, but ended up satisfied with my current...that's a nice space and your filling it big are your screen openings?