Chemical burn or def?


Hey Doctors, pls help me out here.

These 2 clone candys came from an already flowering week 3 plant. I´m still learning the clonning process, thats why i cut them, to get exp.

They where on 24h clf for 4 weeks(2 weeks for rooting and 2 weeks for vegging with "Hesi root complex") and now they are on 12h 250w hps with "Alga bloom" for 1 week.

They are 5 - 6 fingers away from light and they have a fan blowing at them.

Yesterday when i visited them they where like these and the leafs have some kind of bubbling going on..:

Plant 1

Plant 2

Bubbles on leafs are like these

Could it be a chemical burn or a Ph burn?

Are the bubbling and the supose chemical problem related or they could be 2 diferent problems?

Many thanks Docs.


so guys, i´m thinking in treat her with agla boom and hesi complex root. what do u think?

right now she is only with alga boom. should i flush first?



Have they ever looked better than this? What's your medium?
they have. before going to 12h ligth and alga boom nuts.

250 w hps. 60-70H 80C

I cant check the temp during the day(nigth on grow) but probably goes bellow 57F sometimes.

plants are 5 fingers from plant and they got a fan 2 hands far. (thumbs also count)


Hey guys, here is an update.

This is how they look yesterday.
Plant 1:

Plant 2:

They where watered friday.

They have grown, but leafs are still too yellow and leafs on plant 2 are shrinking...

What do you think? Pls let me ear your opinion.



looks like light bleaching, do some research to confirm.
Didnt know that light bleach existed.

They say that the leafs turn yellow but the plant still grows. Plant 1 and 2 realy have grown since last friday.

Going to back them off a little bit from the light and see what happens. Thanks for the tip