Chemical + Organic nutrient mix?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, 2nd time growing indoor here. I have a few gallons of Dutch Nutrients A + B, as well as a General Organics GO box with Cal-Mg and things of that nature. Anyone have any experience with either one, or just a general knowledge of nutrients? Would it be safe (or necessary) to use every single type of GO as well as the A + B nutrients, or could I get away with just a couple of the organics with the A + B? I doubt I'd need each of the 6 bottles of GO if I am also supplementing the Dutch Nutrients? Thanks alot for any help guys.


Well-Known Member
Don't overthink the nutes mate. As long as you don't extremely overload it, your plant will give you plenty of tell tale time to correct any issues you may run into :) Good luck!