cherry picking before harvest


Well-Known Member
Still a rookie. One grow under my belt. Currently on the second. Haven't cherry picked and don't plan on it. I'm not frowning on the idea. I just like to hard as it may be. It's well worth it.



Well-Known Member
Anybody done this? Is there a good way to cherry pick a few little buds early?
Sure, clean out all those dinky buds down below that are barely growing, the big main ones will grow all the bigger for it. If it's too harsh water cure them.
Like the CaliHR I don't like to do it either just because I won't get an accurate first impact evaluation of the final product, you'll already started building up a resistance before it's even done. If your out of weed though it would be foolish to buy instead. Save the money for seeds.


Well-Known Member
yep what frm said.. clip off the bottom few branches as they amount to nothing anyhow. that will give you some smoke and make your higher up/bigger buds get bigger yet!