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Anyone heard of preserving fresh eggs in a jar of water with pickling lime.Kept at room temp and they show them freshly scrambled after 18 months.I agree it's extremely important.
Anyone heard of preserving fresh eggs in a jar of water with pickling lime.Kept at room temp and they show them freshly scrambled after 18 months.I agree it's extremely important.
Yes, supposed to work well, we don't eat enough eggs to do that. We sell our excess and it pays for all their feed.Anyone heard of preserving fresh eggs in a jar of water with pickling lime.Kept at room temp and they show them freshly scrambled after 18 months.
When I was just a kid my grandmother told me they used to store eags in quart jars fo warer under the bed for the winter. Eags can actually sit out at cool room temperatures for nearly a month if they are only wiped with a dry rag (not recommended).Anyone heard of preserving fresh eggs in a jar of water with pickling lime.Kept at room temp and they show them freshly scrambled after 18 months.
I'll try that. We are talking about making our own feed, anyhow. Where do you get the worms?We mix cracked corn with meal worms and they love it.
Amazon has had the best pricing that my wife has found so far. She buys big 5 pound bags at a time and we just grab 40 pound bags of cracked corn from the feed store.I'll try that. We are talking about making our own feed, anyhow. Where do you get the worms?
My biggest annoyance has been the hen realising that I'm the 'worm guy'.Oh and chickens are assholes. Screw those stupid shit bags.
Yep. Have done.Check under pots for slugs,they love seedlings.
Can confirm.Sometimes tricking them by placing a fake egg in their nest will make them lay. Fyi.
Its called water glassing my mom did it when i was a youngin they can last for yrs. no good for baked goods but fine scrambled up.Anyone heard of preserving fresh eggs in a jar of water with pickling lime.Kept at room temp and they show them freshly scrambled after 18 months.
Fun fact a chicken is born with all the eggs it will lay in its life time.Can confirm.
I was wondering why hens lay an egg every day. I thought that maybe we had bred them to do that, so I looked it up.
Each hen wants to get to around 7 or 8 eggs, and then sit and brood on that clutch until they hatch. That's the number of baby chicks they can handle to rear to adulthood.
So every time you raid her eggs, she Cluck! Clucks! in annoyance, and starts again.
If you raid her down to zero, they can get spiteful, and stop laying for a few days or a week.
We've just recently dropped in pretty damn good fake rubber egg into her tray - realistic in colour and weight and size. So now she's never down to an empty nest, and we're back to a regular one-egg-per-day 'harvest'.
This has probably been said but ,,Put chicken fencing around your plants..
Duck eggs are good for baking if you know someone who has ducks.Its called water glassing my mom did it when i was a youngin they can last for yrs. no good for baked goods but fine scrambled up.
I have chickens... it works.. i have to cover my veggi sprouts every year with some kind of guard because i let my birds run and keeps bugs and pests down.. its(fence/guard) just got to be secure enough so they can't dig and kick them up..They find a way....
Yes also turkey eggs are killer. I haven't bought or eaten store eggs in yrs.Duck eggs are good for baking if you know someone who has ducks.
You sound like you have pussy ass chickens bruhI have chickens... it works.. i have to cover my veggi sprouts every year with some kind of guard because i let my birds run and keeps bugs and pests down.. its(fence/guard) just got to be secure enough so they can't dig and kick them up..