Chicken manure?


Active Member
I'm growing Durban poison and they are at the flowering stage. I used organic chicken manure as part mixture along with soil, vermiculite and compost when potting them on. I've been told that the chicken manure will effect the finished product badly, could anyone tell me if this is true? I know it's a bit late now but at least I'll know for next time!


Well-Known Member
it's really high in nitrogen, so that's perfect to veg in. i can't see how it would be bad for the finished product.



Well-Known Member
I use composted chicken manure on my tomatoes and they don't taste like shit. I used it on my girls as well and they don't smell like shit. So shit + shit = good shit.


Yeah the chicken manure wont mess up your buds but I wouldn't add any during flowering because of the N. I think the only issue with chicken manure is that it can be pretty "hot" and burn young seedlings.


Active Member
I dont think this guy will realise your posting on his thread that was dead for two years......


Well-Known Member
well I got blood meal ... bone meal .. and bat guano .. that must be enough ..

if I continue to find nice stuff to add to my soil .. I`ll end up growing in nutriens ..
the only problem ive had with chicken shit is my dogs like to dig in my pots and eat the manure. great as a fert. never did any harm to my plants