Child's remains found near home of Caylee's grandparents


Well-Known Member
like yall said i think she accidently killed the kid with some kind of sedative and then went to the grandparents scared and freaking out and they helped her bury the kid, i mean its less than a mile from their house.


Well-Known Member
No offense taken. I can hardly stand most of those fuckers. Half of them belong on stormfront...The other half should be watching wwe and not mma.
I enjoy some of the threads, and the war room section. You work for Zuffa huh? You guys do great things for the sport but you guys really need to work on your heavyweight and middleweight divisions. They're shallower than Paris Hilton.


Well-Known Member
FUCK!!! Now nancy "evil bitch" grace......with that ugly mug and annoying voice FUCK lol This shit is going to be on for months like you said. I can't understand why people are obsessed with these stories like Natalie Holloway ect. Woman love this shit for some reason, I guess because its so gossipy and about someone elses life


Well-Known Member
yeah van der sloot, hey you never know, next time im in the dam im gonna look real close at those girls and see if one of thems natalie.

and yeah i dread nancy grace running her mouth, i wish theyd take her off tv. Ive tried to call in and get on the air so i could publicy call her a bitch on live tv but i can never get through.


Well-Known Member
man what the hell is wrong with the world today? this bitch should have been at home taking care of her daughter and not gettin her jollies off on the dance floor. and then the fact that she buries the remains is a whole other thing. and how the fuck do you end up giving your child too much cough syrup? bitch should have gave her one to two spoon fulls like the bottle said. hope she gets raped many times with a broomstick in jail. and i hope its uncomfortable every time to the max. should have just gave her a kid a spliff and everything would have been peachy.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
yeah van der sloot, hey you never know, next time im in the dam im gonna look real close at those girls and see if one of thems natalie.

and yeah i dread nancy grace running her mouth, i wish theyd take her off tv. Ive tried to call in and get on the air so i could publicy call her a bitch on live tv but i can never get through.



Well-Known Member
That lady will rot, but why is it always white girls? Minorities who have been kidnapped or murdered are never well known like these girls. What the hell was so special about jonbenet ramsey???????????? Unfortunately a young African American girl and boy, both sibling, were killed by their dad and burned in a trash can near my house a while back and were never put in the media like these girls.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
That lady will rot, but why is it always white girls? Minorities who have been kidnapped or murdered are never well known like these girls. What the hell was so special about jonbenet ramsey???????????? Unfortunately a young African American girl and boy, both sibling, were killed by their dad and burned in a trash can near my house a while back and were never put in the media like these girls.
It's for upper class white women who are still stay at home moms, housewives, no jobs. They are the big majority watching tv in the middle of the day. That and old people who are racist as shit. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to wrap my mind around how a mother kills her own child.

I just can't even comprehend it, under any circumstances. It absolutely baffles me.

My GREATEST FEAR is that something will happen to my sons. It's the kind of fear that makes me lose sleep. I can't begin to imagine the mind of a woman who could take the life of her own child.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I've been trying to wrap my mind around how a mother kills her own child.

I just can't even comprehend it, under any circumstances. It absolutely baffles me.

My GREATEST FEAR is that something will happen to my sons. It's the kind of fear that makes me lose sleep. I can't begin to imagine the mind of a woman who could take the life of her own child.
their either crazy or it's an accident. The cover up stuff is after the fact---which makes them look way worse than they really are. Who wants to go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?


New Member
The last time I checked the news the police still had not looked in the bag the skull fell out of. What the hell are they waiting for, Santa Clause? I would think they'd want to know ASAP if there was clothing or other items that might help identify the child.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
The last time I checked the news the police still had not looked in the bag the skull fell out of. What the hell are they waiting for, Santa Clause? I would think they'd want to know ASAP if there was clothing or other items that might help identify the child.
Their going to go all CSI on that girl. It's pretty obvious it's her---right down the street, small community---everyone else is probably accounted for.


Well-Known Member
I think the big deal w/ jonbenet ramsey was that she was killed x-mas eve and was thought to be abducted but was there in the house the whole time. Found like 3 hours later by the cops. And still no one to blame. But yes Strangerdude, it is usually rich white peoples kids. But then again if you watch the news you see it everyday on both sides. Oh and she was a kid model too, hence the publicity on her.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Historically speaking---you are fucked if you did anything to a little white girl---still true today. They just now started rounding up the people from the 60's who killed a bunch of black kids and they knew the whole time who did it.


New Member
I still think the parents had something to do with the Jonbenet ramsey killing.

My take on that one is that dad was molesting her and mom was jealous and they killed her together.

my theory with Caylee was that mom was a stupid slut and gave her a bunch of shit to knock her out so mommy can go get her whoring on and the kid od'ed

The whole bullshit about "I dropped her off with some lady (she didn't know) at an apartment (that was vacant at the time) and didn't report it for a month because I was looking for her myself (or waiting for the area where her body was dumped to flood really well). " LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES


Well-Known Member
I still think the parents had something to do with the Jonbenet ramsey killing.

My take on that one is that dad was molesting her and mom was jealous and they killed her together.

my theory with Caylee was that mom was a stupid slut and gave her a bunch of shit to knock her out so mommy can go get her whoring on and the kid od'ed

The whole bullshit about "I dropped her off with some lady (she didn't know) at an apartment (that was vacant at the time) and didn't report it for a month because I was looking for her myself (or waiting for the area where her body was dumped to flood really well). " LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES

Your theory is wrong, both parents were cleared through forensic evidence.