Chin weed

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
hey ive been a "self employed" business man for a year now but ive been buying BOMB shit like white widow, purps, bombest shit i can get a hold of but smokers now a days (not to offend anyone) smokers IN MY AREA now a days dont care if its not bomb weed they just want the deals(poor ass's in my neighborhood) so i wanted a idea of how to tell what chin weed looks like cuz i wanna buy O.K quality bud anything thats not wet and not chin just lookin for like a give a way from chin towards other weed....chins usailly COMPLETELY dry and if u break a nug doesnt it look like almost weed dust if look closely? not too sure i can get BOMB ass chin for 550 a QP and other stuff i never seen yet for 450ish so i was wonderin if i should check the cheaper one and have a look with any hints that will give it away as chin weed please post ur thoughts ans suscribe if u need a answer too becuz im 100% sure me and anyone else will find one(i smoke alot of weed but only high grade stuff lol i think ive had chin like a year ago besides that its been no lower quality then ak-47, white rhyno, white widow, blueberry, n white russian lemme no thanks

1 8 7 on a under cover cop!
hey man down here chin is refering to this mosly orange weed that is realy dank and bust up huge and it gets u really baked untill u get used to it and the other shit also 450 400ish here is other outdoor that is just as good but more of a head high than the chin both great weed and yea i ould describe the chin i get as dust when busted