Chlorine destroyed my babies?


Hi, I've posted a few times about why my plants are not growing very fast. Well one thing that I over looked was the water situation...
I fill a 5 gallon jug with tap water and use it to water my plants. I opened the jug and smelt it, it actually smells like chlorine.

I've attached a few pictures of my grow. Remember that these are about a month old now, and I have a friend who's growing in the same soil, same batch of seeds, he just uses a tap water filter and lives in another city, his plant is about 1 ft tall, very bushy, and just found out it is a female.

But my question is, is it the chlorine that stunted the growth? If so, can I still grow them using filtered/bottled water? Or will I have to start a new batch?



Well-Known Member
hey man i am not a pro or anything , but i can tell you that your plants root system will suffer greatly in the clear cups you are using . try to put them in cups that do not let light through. and also you could use more light ,way closer to your plants. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
and as far as chlorine goes , i let my water sit overnight uncovered the chlorine will evaporate very quickly. chloramine is different , i think they tabs or something to treat that. check your citys website to find out if they use chloramine.


hey man i am not a pro or anything , but i can tell you that your plants root system will suffer greatly in the clear cups you are using . try to put them in cups that do not let light through. and also you could use more light ,way closer to your plants. hope that helps
Does sound like a good idea, will try.

Lose the tin foil
How much of it? Should I keep it on the roof?


Well-Known Member
Get rid of all of it, it creates hot spots. Just get flat white paint for all the walls and ceiling. The plants will thank you


Okay, diffidently will try that, thanks. Will also be using bottles water for now, and probably even just going to start a new batch since this was my first batch ever, it's been though a long and most likely painful journey.
Ripping the foil out now, will post updates if they start doing better.


Well-Known Member
hey man dont be down . the time spent on those plants is time you have spent make make those plants come back to life is to infact prove that you have learned.