Choc Thai/Who's Your daddy, Any info? (PICS INCLUDED)


Hi all,

New on here so go easy :lol:

Just wondering if anyone has grown or tried Choc Thai mixed with who's your daddy? Just like to know as cannot find anything on this strain at all. Just what i was informed it was and have no doubt that this is true. Just in week 5 of 8 and have some pics below. I actually had it under 400W (single plant) and was trying some new tricks on this strain. I tied the arms right down so they grew out and the center continued upward so more light got to the inside of the plant. Although 2 arms broke in the manipulation its a solid beast and healed in no time and had no ill-effects, more rather strengthened the arms. Worked out well and was able put it under a 600W on week 4 as i had new living quarters for them while i have 6 blueberry under another 600W adjacent. When moved under 600W though the pics became bad due to crappy iphone camera, but i got a 32GB for nothing so wasnt going say no! Pics only from week 3 too :-( Veg'd for 2 week on canna start and canna rhizatonic and continued to flower week 3 on rhizatonic lowering the dosage slowly. Then canna coco A+B (all in coco professional in a 20ltr pot), Bud XL up to week 4 and now trying Canna Boost Accelerator to test this EXPENSIVE thing out. Been told double strength Bud XL is just as effective though and 1/4 the price but i will be able give proper results with the blueberry. I also used PK 13/14 but have been told hammerhead PK 9/18 is better, anyone else noticed this?

I'll add blueberry pics too from start but again with GAY camera, they grow like a mofo and put straight to flower with no veg at all. Same as previous but in 11ltr pots and just Canna boost will be used on these, and double strengh bud XL on my next batch to test the differences. Only change will be that.

Anyways, the pics:

Choc Thai/Who's Your Daddy-
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5


Day 3
Day 5
Day 7 - Sorry for no light on!

Again, sorry for quality of the pictures and suggestions/thoughts appreciated


Can someone delete this thread please, I've returned with a journel now using the functions properly and all. Very sorry for that and for my piece of mind too :)

Thanks Mods ;)