chocolate bonsai bush


Well-Known Member
well its bushing out:hump:

ill b taking a few cuttings tomar,prob like 6 bc i have 6-9 tops that are growing at a faster rate then the rest of the tops so im goin to dock them so i dont have any problems with retaining a even canopy. all the other tops are growing at the same rate and are same height.this way i get rid of a potential problem before it becomes a headache.

but the few that are growing at a quick rate will become clone mothers themselves bc theyre growin at a quick rate and are "twisting" there necks as they do when veggin for a long time.


Well-Known Member
It's not the strain man it is the training done to it. You can't just plant a seed and have it grow that crazy lol.

Tom :peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I'm sure it did, that is one impressive plant. It is gonna look awesome full of buds that is for sure

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
WTF!!! I have never seen a strain like this, does anyone sell these seeds? + rep

yeah mexicans lol

its bagseed.

thats the wonderful thing about bag is that theyre mystery seeds,it came from a great sac that had 3 seeds,and the smoke was of a chocolatey ooze and tasted the same and smelled the same it gave a couchlock high bc it def was picked late,witch mustve triggered the herm factor to ensure the genes its self will make it for a next generation. all 3 seeds were girls but when they started shootin there preflowers i pinched and smeeled them,and based my decision to keep this bitch since she was the only pheno that smelled like chocolate,abundance of resin on the preflowers and it was the only pheno that grew with a purple stem. plus this bitch was the only pheno that had grew leaves that turned pink when it was younger,it looked cool,a pink leaf on purple stems and branches.she grew out of the pink stage:cry: the leaves are dark green now,and im pretty sure its a 70-30 sativa indi ratio now


Well-Known Member
soooo much new growth,prob like 3 in of new growth,pics will follow later on,all the cuttings i took are alive and well,theyll prob start throwin preliminary roots within the next 4days


Well-Known Member
She is looking wonderful mack, what lighting is she under again? It seems like she is growing real fast. Keep up the great work my friend :weed:

Tom :joint:


Well-Known Member
cfls,i got the canopy to start compacting and to remain a even height,one cutting died,ill leave it in the cloner to see if it rebounds,1 cutin dead,14 still remaining.

if the 14 root then ill keep 2 and give a doz away to someone i know who has a full out comercial op,they can just turn the doz to clone mothers.

ill get a pic of the cloner up soon,it might be tomarrow,who knows?


Well-Known Member
how long do think the total life span will be of this plant? do you plan on flowering?i thought you had said yes at first, but now it seems like ur keeping it as a mother?:-?


Well-Known Member
how long do think the total life span will be of this plant? do you plan on flowering?i thought you had said yes at first, but now it seems like ur keeping it as a mother?:-?

im vegin for a few months then flower with 400w hps,ill take clones off her as much as possible,but ill take cuttings from places that i dont find useful or is recieving little light.

ill endup with tons of 3-5gdry buds and thats fine cus theyll be perfect for blunts:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
super oober new growth,i got one man down in the cloner

one lost outof 15

not bad so far

they been in the cloner for 3days now

i almost had lost 2 today but they rebounded after a little drink


Well-Known Member
yall goin to be in for a real treat this fri...ive started to make it even crazier...ive got it starting to hold its self down by weaving branches,i know this could choke the shit but if i do it right ill get my bush to lst ect by weavin the branches in and out of eachother,it will look amazing in the end:shock:

its goin to be like whoa

ps it took nearly an hour for this session

doin this technique can be time consuming and yet sooo relaxing,its a different perspective on cannabis growing that takes on a new threshhold