Choose your seeds wisely.


Active Member
Have you done this?? Do you grow 100% females from seed? Just curious why ive never heard anything like this talked about, sounds like some holy grail shit, ive got a mess load of random seeds laying around, ill have to take a closer look and see if any of them have this little "volcano" depression...

im interested in more comments on this thread as well, a skeptic, but open ears nonetheless


Well-Known Member
I should have clarified. This chart is for determining females out of feminized seeds. So if you got a batch of feminized seeds check this out. Nonetheless, the better the depression and the more circular the seed, the more chance it will be a female. Not saying it will be 100% like the chart says but I found it and put it up.


Active Member
hey good looking out
very informative, will have to check my fem seeds out
to see if they are good or not

keep em green


Well-Known Member
You're willing to spend $50... $100, maybe more on fem seeds only to discard some?

Be nice to know the source of that pic.


Active Member
oh i would still grow them, definitly wouldn't throw them out.
just would check them and then write down my findings to see if this was right or not


Well-Known Member
I think the chart makes some valid points about the circular volcano part. It seems if the seed is damaged, then it may not have that great of chance of being full on female.


Well-Known Member
hey dont wanna sound like a dick but i personally think tha chart is jus bullshit thers no way to tell if a seed is gonna b female or male unless u grow it. plain and simple. ive had seeds that wer huge and brown wit bookoo veins that was male and ive had sum that wer scrawny and looked shitty but turn out to b sum nice ladies


Well-Known Member
hey dont wanna sound like a dick but i personally think tha chart is jus bullshit thers no way to tell if a seed is gonna b female or male unless u grow it. plain and simple. ive had seeds that wer huge and brown wit bookoo veins that was male and ive had sum that wer scrawny and looked shitty but turn out to b sum nice ladies
Good lookin out to yell BS as that photo has been a web hoax for years!

gets passed around amongst new growers in all the forums kinda like a joke or virus

there is no truth to it at all :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey dont wanna sound like a dick but i personally think tha chart is jus bullshit thers no way to tell if a seed is gonna b female or male unless u grow it. plain and simple. ive had seeds that wer huge and brown wit bookoo veins that was male and ive had sum that wer scrawny and looked shitty but turn out to b sum nice ladies
I agree and have had the same shit happen to me
I think that chart is bogus


Well-Known Member
As already mentioned anyway who the hell is getting fem seeds and not growing them and smoking dank, I choose to just not use a fem seed as a mother plant but will dam sure clone it to keep the strain going.