Choosing One Or The Other


Well-Known Member
yes i am getting thread happy but the more i find out the more i want opinions. If you could only choose one fox farm product to buy which would it be. tiger bloom, big bloom, grow big, the sesame and the other two that go with them not sure of the names. i opted for the big bloom since it said it was organic and thats all i could afford


Well-Known Member
lol, i would give my input but i have never used Foxfarm nutes. Youv probably already checked out there site but if you haven't, they have great info on each product.



Well-Known Member
Why would you only choose one when they are designed for different things...well i'd buy the one for vegging if i wanted veg...and i'd get the one for blooming if i wanted to bloom...iz kind of a weird question:roll:


Well-Known Member
I'm using Grow Big and Big Bloom 1x a week mine are vegging right now.When they start to flower I will use Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom 1 x a week.


Well-Known Member
well like i stated before i only can afford one and the big bloom says its organic so i went for that and i knew the tiger bloom was for flowering. i would have gotten the grow big but it wasnt organic and i dont know if it had bat guano and castings in it. i know one of them had norwegian kelp or something like that. thank-you anyways


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna be in veg for a few more weeks....Get the GrowBig. If you're Flowering or about to start in the next couple weeks....get the TigerBloom or BigBloom.

In other words....get what you need for whatever stage of growing you're at.