Choosing Strains and Where to Buy


Well-Known Member
Hi all! First I want to thank everyone for the welcome on the newbie advice thread!

I am hoping not to start a huge debate, but we all know how these things happen.

After all my reading I think I have narrowed my search of "online seed stores" to either Attitude or Nirvana. There is a significant pricing difference between the stores so I was hoping for a "quality opinion" from folks that have bought from both.

Now for strains: I grew up in the 80s and although I have not actually smoked in over 18 years I think I would prefer something "natural" and not fruity.

2: I am currently on such a ridiculously large amount of prescription narcotics that I am a zombie more often than not so I think I would prefer a "energetic" high. Remember I am hoping to wean myself off of Narcotics that the doctors have told me I would be on 4 the rest of my life (I am 38 and this is unacceptable to me)

3) After much reading with my younger brother (who has smoked for 20 years..he is 32) we are torn, he wants, and I quote "Something that will get me "super stoned" and I want something energetic so obviously I will be ordering 2 or 3 strains. I was actually interested in Nirvanas special with 5 free feminized seeds with order for variety that runs from 6/4 till 6/7.

All advice appreciated. My brother is especially interested in Nirvan White Rhino from Attitude.




Well-Known Member
Hey ladykimi, welcome to RUI !

I've ordered from both Nirvana and Attitude; both came through fine (In terms of receipt of goods).

There are a plethora of strains that are not Fruity smelling/tasting... In terms of effect; that's one of the major aspects of growing your own, you can harvest either as a Stoned high or a Cerebral high *Identifying tricomes when the flowering stage is nearly complete will offer you that option.. *

You've got alot of reading to do my dear.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
My wife kicked Morphine~ the best herbs for her to do this where sativia's. New York Special was a start, but Super Lemon Haze keeps her happy and pain free. I stay with The Attitude Seed Bank, although I have used Nirvana with no problems.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading till my eyes cross a couple times a day LoL

Golden: Congrats to your wife! I have to admit to a certain amount of fear to kicking without the docs help. I am currently on 150 mcg Fentanyl patches with the option of "up to" 8 Vic 10s for "break through" pain. Was it very hard for her to make the switch? Did she have Docs help? Obviously being in the good old mid west means no medical support for the switch. I have considered going the "quick detox" route but my Pain Management Doc is against it so my insurance wont cover the cost so we'd have to pay cash for the procedure. I'm not sure if I should quit cold once I have my first batch or start smoking first then wean off... UG! Frustrating!

~~Off to read my face off.....


Well-Known Member
My wife was a Zombie as well. The Dr's told her they would wean her off the morphine, she went cold turkey and started smoking all day. It was a horrible ordeal, but after a few weeks she was fine. She does not have to smoke all day anymore, we have other methods we apply, like thc oil rubbed on her back, and baked ganja goodies. If you choose to kick, make sure you have top shelf ganja about. It will take away the nausea and pain.


Well-Known Member

cheaper shipping than either attitude or nirvana. tried and true proven selection... no mystery seeds or will it germ? seeds there.


Well-Known Member
With the significant price difference I am wondering if it is more cost effective to order non feminized seeds and clone the fems. When ordering regular seeds (not feminized) are there actually females in there most of the time?


Well-Known Member
You can't clone autos. reason being is when you clone an auto, lets say at 30 days, well the clone is 30 days old and no roots, by the time it roots it is 40-45 days old and trying to flower.