Choosing the right Light...


So my outdoor babe's are about to be done. and I'm about to drop some Mula on an indoor setup. In an area of 4x4feet and about 6 feet high..I've decided to go with:

600watt + Lumatek Ballast.

My Question is...

Super sun 2? or Yield master?

Yield master is a little cheaper it seems like.

Both are *SunSystems* and both have 6"air cool fittings.

any tips or suggestions?


But which one would be a better choice?

yield master? or Super Sun 2?

my other question is...the Hortilux Bulb..really worth the extra 30-40 bucks??


Well-Known Member
if your gonna get the lumatek ballast why not spend a few more bucks and get the dimmable (maximum yeald) and as far as hoods go for sure the yield master way beter use of lumens between the two