Chop her up?



Sorry for making you guys look at ANOTHER are they ready yet thread

first time grower
this girl is 8.1 weeks flowering

She was stunted early due to foliar spray her puny buds the result as well as ugly leaves

I tested a bud a week ago (at week 7) and it got me pretty good and high but I hadn't smoked in a while so I could say it was just because of low tolerance?

I was going to wait another week (week 9) but her trichomes have me nervous. Some buds showing 50% amber while others show 10%-20%

buds have good dying brown pistils but then there is still healthy white ones on tops of some? (as shown in pics)

Is now a good time to harvest? I could use the extra room in my flowering cab... but I don't want to harvest too early either.

appreciate any help guys

thank you much


Well-Known Member
Almost there she looks! I agree with zack. Are you checkn trichs on calyxes? Make sure you arent checking on the leaf because they amber before the trichs on calyxes.


Well-Known Member
Trichs can also go amber if they get beatup or damaged. However if you are checkig the buds and they are all looking like they are 10-20% amber I'd go ahead and chop that bitch.


yes I've triple checked the bud trichomes

some buds 10% amber trichome some buds 40% amber

the leaves are at 90% amber but probably just from damage as Thundercat stated

I have went by the hairs but it seem new white hairs sprouting up so 3/4 of each bud is all brown dead hairs and then new ones up top

this girl is not yielding me much of anything as she is product of beginner mistakes. like a lab hamster haha
I will cut her this week and see how I like her.

I have 4 more girls taking her place 2 of the same strain who are much bigger and very healthy now that I have things dialed in so I think I will use this harvest to figure out what I am looking for

This girl is mostly going to be bubble hash. No buds to write home about


Well-Known Member
see the bud in the last pic, with the 1 or 2 remaining white hairs right at the tip of the bud, that's just how i like mine at the chop.
enjoy your fruits!


Thank you all for your help

Is it true the more amber you have the more of a "couch lock" high you get?

I am reading some contradicting things in books/online

Some people saying when you harvest determines that, Some people saying that has nothing to do with it, it's the strain?

I am looking for a heavy high, Something to help with restlessness. couch lock
Thank you all for your help

Is it true the more amber you have the more of a "couch lock" high you get?

I am reading some contradicting things in books/online

Some people saying when you harvest determines that, Some people saying that has nothing to do with it, it's the strain?

I am looking for a heavy high, Something to help with restlessness. couch lock
Yeah man amber give's you couchlock and clowdygive's a up, heady, energetic high.


Well-Known Member
I believe from my experience that alot of the effect is strain related but it can be influenced some by when you harvest. I have harvested my white widow at 6-10 weeks, to experiment with how it reacted. This lead me to find that I now harvest it at about 7-7.5 weeks all the time, and that even out to 10 weeks the high was about the same and so was the weight and quality. Now a different strain will definitely respond differently. With an indica dominant strain you may get a bit more of that couchlock with extra time you may not just gotta experiment.


Well-Known Member
amber is not a good thing. it is your buds degrading. its also a waste of energy. harvest not later than all cloudy and a few amber triches.


I harvested yesterday,
Many buds had a little amber trichomes while others had more amber than I was comfortable with.
I could have harvested in stages but I wanted to get it all done in one setting

I think after drying I should have almost an ounce? wet weight - 140 Grams


Well-Known Member
amber is not a good thing. it is your buds degrading. its also a waste of energy. harvest not later than all cloudy and a few amber triches.
I find a much cleaner high when I harvest with only a couple trichs amber. I don't always want to be on the couch.


You might get close to 2 oz

That would be amazing, But I will be very happy even if I end up with an ounce. I put this girl through hell! But I learned so much from growing her that I am very excited for the next 4 ladies I just put in my flowering room

I have another question

My drying room temp is 70-75F but my Humidity is staying around 61% is this too high? it was 55% the day before I put the buds in

The book I read said 45-55% humidity is ideal



Well-Known Member
55% would be better. I try and run 50%. If you can't lower humidity I would make sure to have plenty of fans circulating the air. Don't let fans blow directly on your buds. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I know they say around 50-55% I've honestly never checked mine, it changes with my house I suppose. Some times it takes a little longer, sometimes its quick. I cut down a diesel plant on sunday or monday, and trimmed half of it and just pulled the big fans off the other half. The stuff I trimmed went into a jar tuesday night it was so dry on the outside, and came back out all day yesterday. Today I've left it in the jar but have had the lid off most of the day. The smell is already starting to come in nicely. I think my humidty is really low because of the weather. Normally it takes closer to a week for them to dry good. The one I just took the fans off is going slower, it will prolly be ready to be trimmed and jarred tomorrow or saturday.


is it normal for the bud to get a musty smell the 2nd day of drying?

my stinky good smell is almost gone and now it smells almost like a musty bedroom that hasn't been opened in a while