Chop it down?


Active Member

I don't know if I should be chopping this plant down. It's green crack. Its at 67 days outside/flowering. Seed sites claim it takes 60 days outside but most have told me that a 60% sativa outside will take at least 90 days.

But now there's almost no white pistals. Three days ago they were almost all white. They've almost all turned to orange hairs and look pretty mature now. Everything got even frostier if that's possible. I see a few white pistals left in there. I don't think the trichomes look brownish yet at all though, but I just looked with my naked eyes out in the sun.

I was planning on beginning to add gravity on sunday and starting flushing around 16 days after, then chopping it all down on October 18th. Thats 24 days from now.

Should I chop ASAP? flush right away? Can I leave it at least until Sunday? because I def don't have time to deal with it now. What's the longest I could reasonably leave it growing? I just gave it some pure R/O water so I could just continue on that if I have to flush. But I know how good Gravity works and I wanna try it.




Well-Known Member
I would stick with your plan, or try to shorten it a bit. Dont chop it ASAP.
That bud looks like it definatly could fill out some more.


Active Member
Awesome. That's what I was hopin to hear. So you have some experience with outdoor plants? Cause I obviously don't lol


Well-Known Member
Nice rooftop pictures by the way, you have them on a roof? I think thats awesome. Looks like you live in a nice home


Well-Known Member
check the trics! that thing is NEAR ready my friend... it looks done to the naked eye thats why you need the magnifier! im positive those buds will swell up a great deal yet they look like they are going to fill out


Active Member
Nice rooftop pictures by the way, you have them on a roof? I think thats awesome. Looks like you live in a nice home
I second that!:clap:
Haha, you guys are the first ones to say anything about that! I can't believe it took so long. Ima have to say some things about it now. That home actually belongs to my parents. I have my doctor's rec though and I'm always back and forth between there and my place.

As a kid, I always wondered how well mj plants would do there becuase I knew it was completely stealth. Just never had the resources. The plants sit inbetween two peaks in the roof, so people on the West and East can't see anything shorter than 7 feet or so. [I got two Super Silver Haze there on day 26 or so and I'm hopin they don't breach that height lol]. On the North all the homes are too far below to see, and on the South there is a staggering amount of overgrowth.

Only a few flaws to that spot: It only gets the afternoon light, about 1pm to 7pm; houses give off an inordinate amount of heat, but mj is strong; and it's a little scary balancing on a one foot wide slanted ledge with two gallons of water and a couple spray bottles in tow lol, but I manage. It's also seemingly directly in the path of every airplane and helicopter departing or arriving at every airport and helipad around. I have my rec, but it still creeped me out when I had a 5-0 come around for a second look a few weeks back. I hid! lol They're not really looking to bust small grows like that, but it's still scary. Sometimes I see as many as 10 aircraft during one 15 minute session out there. eek.

I'm stoked that you guys are stoked on the roof grow because to me it's sort of a life-long curiosity satisfied.

I keep my journal updated if you wanna keep up with what happens with that spot. Once the SSH is done in November ima only have one there at a time tho, if that.

check the trics! that thing is NEAR ready my friend... it looks done to the naked eye thats why you need the magnifier! im positive those buds will swell up a great deal yet they look like they are going to fill out
Thx man I'll keep a close eye on it...and get a 30x microscope...too broke and busy lately.


Active Member
This was originally posted 17 days ago. I've been looking with the microscope. Its really confusing. I don't know. I see a lot of amber. I see a lot of clear too. No pics. But most of the big leaves have yellowed or fallen off or died or had most of them clipped off cuz deadish (fucking caterpillars). It's really hard to find a pistal with any white, even on the smallest little nothing buds. It's at 86 days or something. I cut a branch 7 days ago cuz I was tripping about the caterpillars. Its dry, I just smoked some out of the curing jars, and it's great. It's sort of more upper than I remember most green crack being. I think I'm gonna cut it tonight. What do you think?



Active Member
yeah...cut it. You really should look at it with a scope....but if all these pistils are brown and the fan leaves are almost all gone...I say chop it.

Nice grow!



Active Member
thanks yo. I have been looking with the micrscope at 100x zoom but I don't know how people judge just by a few views at the trichs. There's something I'm not getting even with all I'm reading. I think it's just more of a feel thing and vets don't realize it. I dunno. I feel like it was ready three days ago but I wanted to be sure to get more of a flush cuz it's been having a funny taste. Either way, thanks. Ima go chop it down and have a nice night of clipping while I watch movies and smoke joints with friends. Ahh sounds much better than my recent stresses. hhaha. Thx again.
