chop or nah?

hey thanks for the advice... the little spots were mytes and they are dead. fuck those assholes.. and the curling and clearly dying leaf was from over watering/ over heating...


Well-Known Member
Cut the damage off and try to keep as much of every leaf still on the plant...if that makes sence. You dont want to cut any off but whats nasty lookin. And if you had mites you prooooooobably still do. They have a habit of coming back in two weeks ;) the plant will recover if you snip the leaf tips off but if the whole leaf ends up dying if you dont snip the tips sometimes. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Pull off just the part of the leaf that they ate off. Leave the good part of the leaf. Then when the plant gets some new shoots coming off do a small lollipop. Looks like thrips