Chopper fly overs?

In Hawaii...they have a program called Green Harvest. The choppers fly around in the mountain sides looking for plants @ night. I has been reported they do give off a signature.

Once, will be gone.

If they fly close enough to the land that they can use the Infrared emitter on the helicopter to actually illuminate the foliage, they can process the image and view it in that way, yes, but they would have to fly close enough that using that technique for searching large areas would not be effective. But it IS totally possible for them to fly/scan mountainsides and valleys that are remote but accessible (they know from experience where the hotspots are and where is best to look first). And Hawaii is small enough that they prob could cover alot of the "hotspots" that way. Not in Texas or Montana or even rural California. But not for heat. for the reflection of specific light waves off the plant surfaces (yes even at night)
Police Propaganda , it's not new and still their best defence. Research is king (not 2 mins on you tube), Peace umbre's
Police Propaganda , it's not new and still their best defence. Research is king (not 2 mins on you tube), Peace umbre's

Go on and let your guard down, dont worry, no one cares about someone growing a little ganja anyway, right? Ill agree that research is king, but implying that its all just propaganda, is a pretty narrow opinion. Turn on a TV and watch as eradication teams go out and locate grows in National Parks and rural land then haul it out by cargo nets. watch that on your local news, not youtube.

Sure police use propaganda (not as a defense though) they'd love it if you were too scared to try anything illegal. But dont be naive, technology exists that would blow your mind. Just be lucky we have the bill of rights, and that a warrant is required to target a specific property with (most of) these capabilities. But if you get their attention and they want to know whats going on behind your doors, if they really want to know, they will.
Uk law ,
All Police chopper activity is recorded , including feed from all camera's,
Human rights law determines that to look into a residential private property and invade on peoples boundries and privacy is illegal without a warrant from a judge,
a Uk judge will not issue a warrant for a raid on a private property based on a heat spot picked up by the choppers infa-red camera,
i have done my research believe me and it deffo was not on you tube umbre...

I agree if you get their attention and they want a way in they will get 1 ,
personally i was working on the assumption the person involved had a bit of clout,
But private growers in the uk who know how to act are safe,
for now.
Go on and let your guard down, dont worry, no one cares about someone growing a little ganja anyway, right? Ill agree that research is king, but implying that its all just propaganda, is a pretty narrow opinion. Turn on a TV and watch as eradication teams go out and locate grows in National Parks and rural land then haul it out by cargo nets. watch that on your local news, not youtube.

Sure police use propaganda (not as a defense though) they'd love it if you were too scared to try anything illegal. But dont be naive, technology exists that would blow your mind. Just be lucky we have the bill of rights, and that a warrant is required to target a specific property with (most of) these capabilities. But if you get their attention and they want to know whats going on behind your doors, if they really want to know, they will.

Very well said
Uk law ,
All Police chopper activity is recorded , including feed from all camera's,
Human rights law determines that to look into a residential private property and invade on peoples boundries and privacy is illegal without a warrant from a judge,
a Uk judge will not issue a warrant for a raid on a private property based on a heat spot picked up by the choppers infa-red camera,
i have done my research believe me and it deffo was not on you tube umbre...

I agree if you get their attention and they want a way in they will get 1 ,
personally i was working on the assumption the person involved had a bit of clout,
But private growers in the uk who know how to act are safe,
for now.

exactly... but huh/what, who has clout?
UK Law is dramatically different from US, although similar in that we also require a warrant before they can target a home. comparing apples and potatoes here.

So we agree then? Im confused. The whole point is... yes they can see pot plants from the air, but not using any heat they eminate, its using the reflected LIGHT (700+nm) getting technical, Infrared light IS heat, but what is observed is waves reflected off the surface and not any heat actually being emitted by the plants.. they're not exothermic. This strategy is not useful for large areas and only works in direct line of sight from the observer to the foliage.
If they happen notice that your house is pumping out a ton of heat from your basement or bedroom, it may cause them to focus more attention on you and then they get a warrant using other evidence they gather (when they find the males you killed and dumped in your trash can). They CANNOT use thermal imaging or heat signatures against you as the only evidence, unless they already have the warrant and they're just stacking the deck (or unless they can see your garden in plain sight in your backyard). Im repeating myself from previous posts.
yeaaa... so i live in the country in eastern united states and they do regular fly bys in my area... and its def based on heat signature... the way ppl are getting away with outdoor grows in my area is tomatoes... they let off the same heat signature as a marijuana plant does... ppl have also started growing underground or in tin barns as to not be seen... what sucks here is if they spot it they immediately call in ground troops and tape off the entire area... then they pull it and burn it... whoever the land is owned by is the next to be contacted then of course nothing but bullshit ensues... honestly the united states has everything "bass ackwards"... if it was easy for me to move id be in canada or the uk tom...
yeaaa... so i live in the country in eastern united states and they do regular fly bys in my area... and its def based on heat signature... the way ppl are getting away with outdoor grows in my area is tomatoes... they let off the same heat signature as a marijuana plant does... ppl have also started growing underground or in tin barns as to not be seen... what sucks here is if they spot it they immediately call in ground troops and tape off the entire area... then they pull it and burn it... whoever the land is owned by is the next to be contacted then of course nothing but bullshit ensues... honestly the united states has everything "bass ackwards"... if it was easy for me to move id be in canada or the uk tom...

Ok.......once again. YES they do flyby's and yes they find gardens, but NO its NOT based on HEAT signatures, strictly visual (computer enhanced, but visual only)... They are visually observing foliage using cameras and filtering the image down to the reflected IR wavelengths 700+nm. If the grow is in plain sight from the air, it can be spotted using this technology which does not see through anything (through a canopy of trees above the grow or through an opaque greenhouse roof) No warrant is needed if something is in plain sight (even from the sky). If a cop sees your pipe sitting in the ash tray of you car, even through your closed windows and locked doors in a parking lot, its in plain sight and no warrant is needed to search...probable cause. Mixing your MJ with tomatoes will not hide it if they are looking right at that garden (think about how precise they can adjust the filtered image, technology that exists would prob scare you all the way to canada) Its just camouflage, the chance that they would be focusing on a specific area that they would pick out one or two plants is pretty slim (go into a helicopter and see what the ground looks like below you, at only 500ft you have an incredibly wide field of view below you) If they get a tip that you have MJ in your tomato garden and they want to look, they will see it. Buried shipping containers have been proven to work well and there have been complex underground grows found with dozens of traincar sized containers all attached like a cave.

If they can see it, they have probable cause to enter a private property to confiscate it, then they will hang out for an hour until they get the judges signature (even verbal via phone) then they're in your home on a full blown search warrant.

Again Im repeating myself, please read full thread, this has all been covered.
Will someone please go take an infrared thermometer (w the laser you can point onto something and it will digitally read the temp) or whatever your preference in temperature measurement instrument may be. put that bitch right down onto your biggest fan leaf, or let it sit on the stem right in the middle of your biggest plant. Of stuff it right down into the stalk! your temp will be the same as the air circulating around it. Plants do not generate their own heat. They do not retain heat any more or less than any other common leafy green grass/bush/plant with a high water content like MJ. I have personal experience using Thermal Imaging cameras at work, when you look out at the desert the vegetation all looks the same and you can only detect the outline of a tree/bush/cactus when its against a background of a different temp. At ground level you have space/air or ground behind the image of whatever plant you may be seeing so it will stand out slightly, enough to be useful to navigate in the dark. From the sky looking down, with no clear air behind the observation target, you will not get any useful image of plantlife, just a gray blur. But if theres a field mouse or a rabbit 100yds out you can watch every move he makes, even see if he sat in one place for a bit because the ground is warmer there.
If your indoor grow is insulated and you do not vent off hot air into the cold air outside there is no way for the infrared to show inside your house. I read they have some equipment that measures the color spectrum of plants and cannabis is unique and they could see it. Someone would have to confirm my shaky memory though.

Most pot plants do not blend well with other vegetation, especially in the summer in dryer regions.

do u have windows on ur house? cuz if so ur logic of hiding it is screwed.
i have cops fly over my house while im watering my plants in the back yaerd. i just wave or if they keep flying by i flip them off. lmao. but i live in cali and i grow only a few good sized plants at a time. that was the feds wont spend the time money or man power to even want to fuck with me. know ur laws and stay within them. unless its illigal to grow in ur state. then ur just an idiot to even have ur shit outside if its a good sized crop. lmao. altho the heat would def limit my grow size even indoor. :(
i have cops fly over my house while im watering my plants in the back yaerd. i just wave or if they keep flying by i flip them off. lmao. but i live in cali and i grow only a few good sized plants at a time. that was the feds wont spend the time money or man power to even want to fuck with me. know ur laws and stay within them. unless its illigal to grow in ur state. then ur just an idiot to even have ur shit outside if its a good sized crop. lmao. altho the heat would def limit my grow size even indoor. :(

America's Finest? lol. Yeah they have actual criminals to deal with! I miss San Diego, my last grow was right across the street from UCSD off Linda Vista :hump: I miss having weather, and humidity above 10% their eyes, it's pretty ballsy to grow outside so chances are you're prob card holding and legal (at least in legal states).
America's Finest? lol. Yeah they have actual criminals to deal with! I miss San Diego, my last grow was right across the street from UCSD off Linda Vista :hump: I miss having weather, and humidity above 10%

the weather has been suckin balls this time of year. super cold compared to the last few years. was 34 degrees the other night. gonna toss a heater in the flower shed and veg box if this shit keeps up. :( my clones r taking forever to root in the bubble cloner becuz of it. gotta get a heating pad to keep the water warm at night. global warming my ass its too fuckin cold outside. it got so cold the condensation from the air fuckin fried my ballast. it got moisture in between the teminals on the plug and murdered it. came out to my 6 inch blasting full speed and no lights. wtf. haha check it ill post a few pics of it. in a minute or so,or check my journal its the last few pics.
undercover cop... nothing you just said makes sense... everything on the face of the planet has a specific heat signature this is basic science... the reason i know this is bc my family also farms and we are using thermal technology through our irrigation systems now to let us know when our crops are drying out... and i mean a real farm not a pot farm... and look up something called f.l.i.r. uav... they are now tracking ppl indoors based on higher heat signature readings based on the type of lights they are using... this technology is the same technology that power companies use to find down power lines... just so you know we also use it to detect disease in our tobacco crops as well... when the tobacco lets off more heat we see a mosaic virus...thermal.jpg just to further prove my point... the plant on the left is a normal tomato plant... the one on the right is dying and is under watered... def noticeable under thermal... you should do some more research before you speak... and please dont tell me i dont know what im talking about bc we use the equipment on our farms...
undercover cop... nothing you just said makes sense... everything on the face of the planet has a specific heat signature this is basic science... the reason i know this is bc my family also farms and we are using thermal technology through our irrigation systems now to let us know when our crops are drying out... and i mean a real farm not a pot farm... and look up something called f.l.i.r. uav... they are now tracking ppl indoors based on higher heat signature readings based on the type of lights they are using... this technology is the same technology that power companies use to find down power lines... just so you know we also use it to detect disease in our tobacco crops as well... when the tobacco lets off more heat we see a mosaic virus...View attachment 1959059 just to further prove my point... the plant on the left is a normal tomato plant... the one on the right is dying and is under watered... def noticeable under thermal... you should do some more research before you speak... and please dont tell me i dont know what im talking about bc we use the equipment on our farms...

in all honesty this has turned into a dumb ass topic becuz not enough people are well enough edumacated on the subject. yeah i know how its spelled. those few that do know about it cool. but unless u have actually delt with this kind of equipement its hard to know what the hell ur talking about. i have but that was military issued shit like 6 years ago. and in all honesty they kinda suck for everything but warmer then air things or objects. cool u got a cool ass picture of some tomato plants. but its still not mj and if it was 3 am and at the coldest point at night i bet u wouldnt see that becuz the plant and moisture in the plant has lost the heat from teh sun. just like ur vehicle. if u drive it then let it sit for hours without its heat source it will lose its color and blens in with the background minus a few edges if there is open space behind it.
thats why you dont see helicopters in the air here until the hottest times of the day... the plants show up bright green on the radar... same as tomatoes... they have some of the highest plant temps... plus they absorb a lot more light than other plants... trust me ive used the equipment just yesterday on our farms... it is def noticeable... and the technology has done nothing but get better since you last saw it... just think about what type of filtered radar they have now if im able to get similar stuff to monitor our crops...