choppin down my girl!!!!


Active Member
wish i had the space to do a monster grow
rent my place and landlord comes and goes.....

little sketchy


Active Member
the heat is a major problem though. tryin to keep it down by not adding more lights

that light i have makes it all the way down too.....suprising

ima harvest twice off this lady


Active Member
I see you're still hell bent on cutting her in half, huh...LOL...I think you will be fine...give it a week. I honestly would just supercrop those two big ones and let her grow. No choppy, choppy...LOL


Active Member
no, no....u convinced me

no choppy choppy(hehe)
ima just harvest her twice.....gonna let the main colas get the goodness, cut em off and then redo the bottom section

been readin up and it seems like it can be done.



Active Member
no, no....u convinced me

no choppy choppy(hehe)
ima just harvest her twice.....gonna let the main colas get the goodness, cut em off and then redo the bottom section

been readin up and it seems like it can be done.

I did that to a lemon skunk I had problems with. Worked great...Can't wait to see how the new light works out for you.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Epfsi, I keep waiting to see the Giant from Jack and the bean stock to show up in one of your pictures. I am not sure how to put this with out hurting your feelings. I know how attached people can get to their babies. But that plant looks terrible. If this is one of your first grows, you should never have started out with a sativa for your training crop being indoors. Your leafs are clawing. They are way to stretched. You sure you have enough ventilation? and I am sure that HPS is cooking the hell out of your plant. Do not allow this to upset you. Most all of us did not have a perfect crop our first go around. Put a thermometer up at the closiest part of the plant and take a temp reading.
Why is your landlord always coming over. Does he like you or something? That is your home. You pay the rent on it. He can not just be showing up all the time and asking to come in, unless you allow him to do that. Do some research on the tenant rights laws in your state. Most states make a landlord give 48-72 hours of advanced notice to enter unless it is an emergency. A good place to put your plants at, is inside a bedroom where there is no plumbing, hot water tank, or anything else that might need emergency servicing. He has no right what so ever to enter your bedroom.


Active Member
unfortunately i think you're right
prolly gonna chop her in a couple days.....

she deosnt seem to be filling out at all.....


Active Member
hopefully 5 power skunk(wacky seedlings,some might not make it)
1 super skunk seed(no germ) covered so no light
start at 7 end at 12
no nutes just water
totally cleaned system(pump, cups, rocks, netpots, entire reservoir, air stone,)
1 100w cfl
2 50w cfl
2 fans(no exhaust, but dorrs neevr closed)
ill worry bout exhaust in a bit, when i block light for flower
need better nutes in about 2 weeks or so
dunno really what to get, ones i had came from stealth hydro
prolly why she was so unpredictable
temps at about 75-80 daytime and 60-65 night
humidity round 40-50

think im good.....
when i chpped her down i cleaned up all the flowers i could
hung em in a box to dry
whole bunch o bud crappy bud!!!
not bad to smoke though......not as good as she should be, but whatever

ill post pics in a week showing her progress

ummmmmm, thats it