thanks man. cant wait.. 1 more day till harvest!! this wait is killing me!!!! XD
haha you must me talking about me

Any verdict on if you'll be able to do more then two this round heh
lol. of course i am... not gonna lie.. i brag about ur PE plants to alotta ppl. lol. and na i havent talked to momma dukes about that yet.. i'll try askin her tomorrow.. i'll throw the guilt trip on her.. and be like.. but i will have to KILL and MURDER the other plant if i cant grow it... =*( and she'll feel bad... haha. well thas the plan anywayz. lol. i will let u kno 2morrow
Hey again chris ! how frequently do you give nutrients to your plant during vegetation and flowering ?
Looking good ! Congrats m8 !
heyy wasup man. during veg.. i actually dont use any nutes.. my plants seem to do jsut fine for the 1st 3-4 weeks durin veg without any nutes.. im using Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil.. soo maybe its just the food in the soil is enough for vegging?? idk..
during flowering.. wen i 1st start flowering.. i give her nutes at 1/4 strength of the recommended dose.. and i just give it to here every other watering.. soo one watering with nutes.. one without.. one with.. one without.. etc.. and after about 2 weeks.. i will give her 1/2 strength nutes (as long as she didnt get any nute burn from the 1/4 strength nutes.. sum plants r very sensitive to nutes.. and can only hand like 1/4 strength or 1/2 strength.. soo keep that in mind) and as long as shes ok with that.. i will bump it up to 3/4 then next week.. and then by week 4.. i will have her on full strength nutes as long as she's ok with it. =)
and thanks for the compliment. =) harvest in 1 more day!!!!! XD XD XD
hey man..u think i can send one of ur pics to my boi thru txt...?
heyy watsup.. hey so r u asking like.. permission to send my pic to a friend? or askin me how 2 do it? if ur askin permission then yea go right ahead. =) and thanks for even considering askin my permission. =)
and if ur askin how to do it.. u can probly email it to urself... jsut go to google.. and type in... how to email pics to my cellphone with (whatever ur carrier is.. wether its sprin.. virgin mobile.. verizon.. etc..) i know verizon its ex.