Chris Kenoyer of OnlinePot.Org is a SCAMMER

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New Member
Please, DO NOT delete this, i'm trying to warn anyone thats thought or was thinking about joining OLP, that Chris Kenoyer, the Owner of is a SCAMMER.!

He was begging for donations and when noone sent them in, he claimed to have got "arrested" and needed $1500 for bail, when noone could afford that, and only send $20 or $30 here and there, he then, made up a M.O.M. nickname, added himself to the "Legit MOM listing" on his forum's, then made a HUGE rant post on how good this "AAA+" weed was that he got from "Natural Med's" (the new MOM) which in ALL REALITY IS CHRIS KENOYER HIMSELF!!!!!!
Offering to send samples, and after SO MANY read chris's bragging report on how "super good" the weed was, people started sending in orders, and got EMPTY PACKAGES INSTEAD!! chris was notified of all what happened, and REFUSED TO ACCEPT that Natural Med's was a scammer and insisted to keep ordering from him. he BANNED the first person to warn about Natural Med's being a scammer, then continued to ban other's who mentioned it as well, then Banned his OWN MOD from the forum's because he to, knew the TRUTH behind Natural Med's scam!! Chris continues to ban people till this day, who mention ANYTHNIG about Natural Med's being a scammer!

Below, is a e-mail I got from Natural med's where Chris ADMITS IT WAS HIM THISE WHOLE TIME!!!!!

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If you want the truth u all ready got the answer. Ask yourself why
have I no put up all the info I say I got on natmeds? All the ip
addys, mailbox addys, email screenshots and all that shit? Cuz u
I'm gonna fuck myself by leading everybody to me? hahahahahhha I'll
never post that info. I've been saying for a week now I got that
info. But I won't post it. And when people like that Cole ask too
many questioons, I just ban there asses!!!! It's so easy to fool
you clowns. I just change up my typing syle for my scammer MOM
nicks and u all think its not me--------until its too late!!


Sorry to bring this here on RollItUp, but somehow someone's gotta let everyone know about what Chris Kenoyer is up to.

He refuses to work, and insteads, prey's on the innocent which are members of his board.

Below is Chris, and what you'll be doing if you join his scamming forum.
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