about $25.00 a day RIU makes outta these adverts, certainly not enough for the owner or the staff to get a new BMW each year
a smart site owner may well listen to his members as a shop keeper may act on recommendations from his customers
on RIU its only the panhandlers and carpetbaggers that are permitted to indulge in capitalism,
where as, the support.. the backbone, of the community at best are permitted to 'like' or 'unlike' a post
RIU has much good shit going over other weed sites
GC has copied Riu in its forum software
and RIU runs faster
panhandlers and carpetbaggers own the sponsorship for now 'we' hope that will change'
and it will once the market settles
All I ask of the owner is... he keep his eyes open
much stuff is coming some good some bad.
I say if you wanna be on here stick to the rules, and keep in mind
in a free community, is just it,, its free, weed sites are still opening up daily
I just hope we still have a site come May 2016
good luck