Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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you mean islamic terrorism..... ive never had to shoot a christian or jew in iraq thats for sure.

Such ignorance is disgusting.

You are confused about the terrorism label. You do not realize that islamic people had nothing to do with any terrorist attack, it was actually our own government leaders that are the terrorists. ( most of the world knows this by now) There is so much information about this I am amazed you have not realized this by now.

And you may have never shot any jews or christians but if you shot anyone while serving in this 'war' then you murdered innocent people.

You are the terrorist. You pathetic storm trooper.
The voices in my head never talk about god, that's for sure.
everyone hears voices in their heads,some people need the feeling of wholeness and completion. some need to fulfill the problems that they create. they need to complete the problem by presenting it to the table, and on that table, you have a feast of bullshit and lies. the voices are feeding you the shit that you read. if you dont eat then the feast will go to "waste" and decay,soon that garbage will be forgotten about and never seen again. what do the voices inside your head say?
Now who's assuming? I post fast because I'm smart, and I can read a lot very quickly.

er, has nothing to do with smarts. you post fast because you do not take the time to read what i posted otherwise you would not have misquoted me so many times and not so easily dismiss what i've said.

you dismiss the smithsonian, national geographic and the bible. you don't seem so smart to me.

Notice how, when different folks enter the spiritual realm,they see different things?

another assumption on your part. your full of presuppositions, typical.

That's because it's all interpreted by YOU,the individual. YOU are your own god.

what are you using as a basis to this?

But you'll never believe me,and you'll continue to say your way is THE way.And you'll continue to say that the bible verifies this...but lets think of it this way:

...The Bible was written by one or more unknown authors,...

you don't know what you're talking about do you. "one or more?" wtf? is it one or more? LOL

most certainly men of their times.The Bible states than an invisible space man in the sky created the earth and everything on it in six thousand years,sacrificed a son because we were so sinful he was gonna kill us, but instead decided it was quicker to kill Jr.,then bring him back, (and take him to heaven without any evidence of him actually being real),and we all get to burn forever if we don't agree.But he loves us. All the logical people laugh, and the nuts make it a religion.

have you even read ANY book in the bible? sheesh!
"x15 is we love1"

wow, can you prove this?

I am not love1

if there is a moderator here he/she can verify my ip address to proof i'm not love1
Yeah, typical.When you've been trumped, you start getting offensive. I can read your posts in a short amount of time, and absorb them.You're deliberately twisting the words of the smithsonian, and National geographic, to suit your own agenda.
One or more means One definitely, possibly more, who knows for sure.Bet you don't.
How the hell do you know that everyone see the same things you do?You don't, and you can find a LOT of data regarding folks and their supposed spiritual experiences that are not at all like yours.
I dismiss the bible because it's fiction. I never dismissed the smithsonian or National geographic,I merely said that YOUR particular links to them did nothing to support your case.
I've read the bible, and it's a crock.Now get pissy some more.
er, has nothing to do with smarts. you post fast because you do not take the time to read what i posted otherwise you would not have misquoted me so many times and not so easily dismiss what i've said.

you dismiss the smithsonian, national geographic and the bible. you don't seem so smart to me.

another assumption on your part. your full of presuppositions, typical.

what are you using as a basis to this?

you don't know what you're talking about do you. "one or more?" wtf? is it one or more? LOL

have you even read ANY book in the bible? sheesh!
One or more means One definitely, possibly more, who knows for sure...

i called you on this because you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the bible.

How the hell do you know that everyone see the same things you do?

a hallucination ceases to be a hallucination when many people see the same thing -- as in seeing Jesus Christ.

as a fireman I have seen many people die and in their final moments many see Jesus as they are taking their last breaths.

You don't, and you can find a LOT of data regarding folks and their supposed spiritual experiences that are not at all like yours.

true. no problem with this

I dismiss the bible because it's fiction.

and you expect people to just believe this because you say so? you give no reference for your belief, talk about blind faith

I never dismissed the smithsonian or National geographic,I merely said that YOUR particular links to them did nothing to support your case.

quote a few posts back:
"here's a letterhead from the smithsonian institute, quote:

"...much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories..."

i guess you didn't read that part
"x15 is we love1"

wow, can you prove this?

I am not love1

if there is a moderator here he/she can verify my ip address to proof i'm not love1

to deny is to show evidence

to insist on evidence is to hide behind his own evidence

to resist the truth is to block out the light

to see is to be blinded by the truth

to admit the truth is to say that a lie is only the truth reversed

:peace:we love1
miss stoney,dont you look at the tags? appearantly you wasting away by talkin the same nonscense over and over to the same person. take a look at the tags girl and then go make yourself some tea;-)

btw, this is not cool for you to say i am someone who i'm not.

please remove the tag that says i'm "love1"

it's one thing to have a lively debate, it's quite another thing to misrepresent someone else's identity
I know plenty.I know it's an ancient Dianetics.It's a work of fiction that references actual sites, as MANY fictional books do.But I've said this three times now, and you won't address it.
i called you on this because you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the bible.

Nope, they wanted to see that. There are just as many who saw nothing, dead relatives,buddha,a fucking unicorn....It's because you're dying, and your brain is trying to deal with it.
a hallucination ceases to be a hallucination when many people see the same thing -- as in seeing Jesus Christ.

as a fireman I have seen many people die and in their final moments many see Jesus as they are taking their last breaths.

See, that's the difference between you and me.I don't need people to agree with me to believe the way I do. I don't need validation. I've given plenty of references,in this thread, and out of it,and if you're too lazy to look it up, it's not my problem.
and you expect people to just believe this because you say so? you give no reference for your belief, talk about blind faith

Quote from that letter you linked us to.
"The Biblical writers did not pretend they were giving a complete history; instead they constantly refer us to other sources for full historical details, sources such as "The Annals of the Kings of Judah" (or Israel). It is therefore not possible to try to "prove" the Bible by means of checking its historical or scientific accuracy. The only "proof" to which it can be subjected is this: Does it correctly portray the God-human relationship? In the best analysis, the Bible is a religious book, not an historical document." Guess YOU didn't read THAT.
quote a few posts back:
"here's a letterhead from the smithsonian institute, quote:

"...much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories..."

i guess you didn't read that part
btw, this is not cool for you to say i am someone who i'm not.

please remove the tag that says i'm "love1"

it's one thing to have a lively debate, it's quite another thing to misrepresent someone else's identity

who says I put that tag up? maybe we put it up,maybe stoney put it up,maybe a mod put it up? what evidence do you have that states I wrote that tag? to accuse is to be the accused,to state a statement without evidence is to say that i myself may not even exist,this could all be a figment of ones own imagination.

all i did was point out to stoney that she is wasting her life debating someone with spd
who says I put that tag up? maybe we put it up,maybe stoney put it up,maybe a mod put it up? what evidence do you have that states I wrote that tag? to accuse is to be the accused,to state a statement without evidence is to say that i myself may not even exist,this could all be a figment of ones own imagination.

all i did was point out to stoney that she is wasting her life debating someone with spd

the problem is you're saying i am someone i am not. this is not cool. you don't have to like me but to spread rumors is not cool.

but, again, i'll take the high road in this thread and let karma take care of you.

the problem is you're saying i am someone i am not. this is not cool. you don't have to like me but to spread rumors is not cool.

but, again, i'll take the high road in this thread and let karma take care of you.


karma does not exist for it is only a figment of your imagination to feel fulfilled with self content to "knowing" that someone has gotten what is coming. karma is only a word just like god
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