Christmas Ruined: Santa Crook


Well-Known Member
Occording to Steven Colbert Report.

And News

It turns out there is a underwater ridge connecting russia to the north pole
technically its been theres all along. Russia is going to send a underwater team and in a capsule they will plant under the water there on the ridge a russian lag in the capsule.

If this happens northpole is owned by russian we are screwed. Christmas will be ruined!!!.

Except we can all worry about it later while we pass the bong around .


New Member
Ofcourse the Russans own the north pole. They think that droping a flag means that they got there first. Quite childish, actually. Why couldne we all play nice, and divide the planet evenly.

Its sad becuase Global Warming is allowing the ice to melt, giving acess to massive stores of oil and gas, wich translates into more warming.


Well-Known Member
Actually dropping the flag is similar to one mans rules "i licked it first, do u still want it "