christopher columbus, american hero or murderer/child sex slaver?


Well-Known Member

In 1492, Christopher Columbus didn't arrive in America, shake off his boots and jump for joy at the sight of Indians as the little song suggests. In 1492, Columbus reached what is now known as the Bahamas, eventually arriving in Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

There, Columbus met people known as the Arawaks, Tainos and Lucayans--all friendly according to the explorer's writings.

When the Arawaks assisted Columbus in repairing the shipwrecked Santa Maria, he realized these hospitable people would do pretty much anything he wanted, including surrendering their land. An empire soon followed.

Seizing the land for Spain, Columbus took the Arawaks as slaves, putting most of them to work in newly "discovered" gold mines. Within a year or two, more than 120,000 Arawaks died in the mines or were murdered by the man America honors every October.

Oh, don't forget that Columbus, and the Catholic Church, led millions to believe the mission was to covert native people to Christianity.

A story which will likely never make into into Little Jimmy's history books involves the year 1500. These events were so poignant, Columbus chronicled them so nobody would forget, writing: "A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand."

You guessed it. Columbus also dabbled in the flesh trade, selling girls as young as 9 as sex slaves. Women who were not sold as sexual servants worked in extreme conditions until hundreds dropped dead of exhaustion. Others committed suicide.


Well-Known Member
So what does all this yammering have to do with anything? Can it be rectified? NO. It's all just a sad but common history lesson. The explorers were pendejos and murderers, kidnappers, rapists, thieves. Legalized pirates, like every other on for as long as history has been made. BARKEEP, MORE RUM!

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
He was a sick *uck.

And to think that in school they had us singing songs about him.



Well-Known Member
When we have threads exploding that are dedicated to the repping of some chick who deserves none of it based solely on the fact that shes a chick i say its time for some more interesting conversation around here...

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
When we have threads exploding that are dedicated to the repping of some chick who deserves none of it based solely on the fact that shes a chick i say its time for some more interesting conversation around here...

Chick who deserves no rep,
deserves? sweets, you are taking yourself too seriously. don't be so mean. it was fun. it was my thread, don't hate. just love! lol how do I "deserve" or not deserve anything of a virtual nothing? shit, what or who does deserve all that...what was it? fun? edit here->but I was going to defend your topic that others say was not a good one because #1 I for one, feel that it is extremely inappropriate for us to have a national holiday for this raping murdering sex slaver. It's an abomination and something should be done to change this shit. It pisses me off every year. Christopher Columbus discovered nothing and is burning in HELL! #2 everybody talks about everything around here from cutting pubes to dick skin so why the fuck not Christopher Columbus? lol about taking things too seriously. whew.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member

In 1492, Christopher Columbus didn't arrive in America, shake off his boots and jump for joy at the sight of Indians as the little song suggests. In 1492, Columbus reached what is now known as the Bahamas, eventually arriving in Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

There, Columbus met people known as the Arawaks, Tainos and Lucayans--all friendly according to the explorer's writings.

When the Arawaks assisted Columbus in repairing the shipwrecked Santa Maria, he realized these hospitable people would do pretty much anything he wanted, including surrendering their land. An empire soon followed.

Seizing the land for Spain, Columbus took the Arawaks as slaves, putting most of them to work in newly "discovered" gold mines. Within a year or two, more than 120,000 Arawaks died in the mines or were murdered by the man America honors every October.

Oh, don't forget that Columbus, and the Catholic Church, led millions to believe the mission was to covert native people to Christianity.

A story which will likely never make into into Little Jimmy's history books involves the year 1500. These events were so poignant, Columbus chronicled them so nobody would forget, writing: "A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand."

You guessed it. Columbus also dabbled in the flesh trade, selling girls as young as 9 as sex slaves. Women who were not sold as sexual servants worked in extreme conditions until hundreds dropped dead of exhaustion. Others committed suicide.
And what did you do today?
Conquer some cheeseburgers and a 6 pack?

Chartreuse Spruce

Active Member
Your comment is true. but it's all good! You know how everybody is always putting so much private shit on facebook on their wall. They will talk about the most ridiculous drama ever and everyone chimes in to their bull shit. Well, I don't use facebook like that...I make it represent the things like my hobbies or my passions. Sometimes I will post the most earth shattering news or something to really think about that will really give a different prespective and nobody says a damn thing or even gives a 'like'. So ya know, people and people. Drama and sex are what draws most people around.


Well-Known Member
Columbus also fed babies to dogs and allowed his men to smash babies against rocks. This was recored by the priest that was with him. Source: The Canary Effect.


Well-Known Member
when I was in middle school I had a shirt that said Columbus didn't discover America he invaded it. My dad had to come to the school and defend me wearing it.


Well-Known Member
In Lies My Teacher Told Me, Loewen criticizes modern American history textbooks for containing inaccurate depictions of historical figures and events such as Christopher Columbus, the lies and inaccuracies in the history books regarding the dealings between the Europeans and the Native Americans, and their often deceptive and inaccurate teachings told about America's commerce in slavery. He further criticizes the texts for a tendency to avoid controversy and for their "bland" and simplistic style. He proposes that when American history textbooks elevate American historical figures to the status ofheroes, they unintentionally give students the impression that these figures are superhumans who live in the irretrievable past. In other words, the history-as-myth method teaches students that America's greatest days have already passed. Loewen asserts that the muting of past clashes and tragedies makes history boring to students, especially groups excluded from the positive histories.[SUP][2][/SUP]

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I really don't care if you prove some author made a movie.
Sorta like a porn titled " Black fireman does my sister and her friend".
Just some nuts idea and not any given truth.


Well-Known Member
I really don't care if you prove some author made a movie.
Sorta like a porn titled " Black fireman does my sister and her friend".
Just some nuts idea and not any given truth.
?. The proof of his atrocities is recorded by a priest that was with him. You can choose to live in fantasy land about history if you choose.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
?. The proof of his atrocities is recorded by a priest that was with him. You can choose to live in fantasy land about history if you choose.
I dont care if it were a priest, Queen Elisabeth or God himself.
Where is the proof other than some nut author?