Chronic x White Russian


New Member
OK, new grow. The guy that gave me the seeds created this strain himself and has had a few crops. I'm sure that that makes these seeds a more stabilised strain than just a straight cross.

So far 3 have germinated. I used OGP as a starter nute. If you want to check out the make-up of OGP then look at my Master KUsh Journal as I posted it in there.

Hopefully I'll be able to upload the pic', and you'll note that I have given them names. daddy bear, mommy bear and baby bear.



Well-Known Member
ill huff and ill puff and ill watch this

i like the names

good luck and happy growing !!!!!! ;->-"""""


New Member
Right as I said in my master kush journal i have a lot going on at the mo'. So no pic's as yet. The 3 I germ'd are doing fine, a little stretch on the one plant as I haven't extended the veg' area yet. They'll be having their first feed tomorrow and I'l post the make-up of the feed along with some pic's.


New Member
These guys now have a 400w to themselves. But I only have one blue bulb so I'm alternating mh and hps each day. I give a four hour dark period each 24 hours to allow things to cool down and so i can change the bulbs around.

I've just given them their first feed. I made up 3 litres of feed and added 5ml of sensi grow A, 5ml sensi grow B, 5ml sensizym, 5ml voodoo juice, and a very tiny drop of superthrive.

Here's a pic.



New Member
Had a little stretch with these guys and one of them has fallen over. They're getting much stronger since I moved the light closer.

Baby bear is having a bit of a hard time, but I've balanced it against a stone waiting for it to get stronger. I could just leave it lying there, I've grown a plant like this before and it grew with no problems.

Anyway they don't look very strong, although I have high hopes for mommy bear.

The pic's are in this order: Daddy bear, mommy bear and baby bear. They'll be due their second feed any day now and I've already made the feed up. Here it is:

This is in 6litres of water (as the bubbling la conf has the same feed).

15 ml sensi grow A
15ml sensi grow B
20ml sensizym
20ml voodoo
0.6 ml barricade



Active Member
yea i agree with kieahtoka.

this seems like its gonna be a very interesting grow.

seems like some pretty bomb genetics.


ill pray to the ganja gods for you to have an amazing grow!!

good luck.


New Member
Unfortunately with genetics like these (likewise my la conf' x mystery haze) is that they rarely turn out very strong. I'm not a breeder but I'm sure there's more to it than simply crossing two plants together.

Baby bear, I'll most likely kill today. No I won't, I've just remembered that I might as well just bung it into the flowering area, see what happens. It can have the left overs from the other flowerers. If it lives it lives, but I doubt it.

I'll post up some pic's later, for now here's the nute make-up of the next feed. This into 6litres of water as the bubbling conf' gets the same feed.

Sensi Grow A 15ml
Sensi Grow B 15ml
Sensizym 30ml
Voodoo 30ml
Barricade, a drop
Superthrive, a drop

Daddy bear is doing the best, mommy bear looks kind of weak, and baby bear is not worth mentioning.


New Member
Only 2 pic's on this update as baby bear is very near getting the chop. My hopes are resting on DADDY BEAR to be mom. If not they can all just go into flower and I'm going out to BUY a new strain. I DEMAND good genetics. I had them with the grapefruit but threw it all away because I didn't like the smoke. Just flowered them out, no moms left. The LA CONF' is doing ok now though. Master Kush, I have a feeling the best plants are males. Nothing seems to be going right for me lately.

Anyway back to the pic's. I'll think we can all agree that if daddy bear turns out male there's no point looking to mommy bear to be a mother plant. Daddy bear is in the brown pot.



New Member
If only I'd taken more heed over my last post. I realised something was wrong, but i've been extra busy lately, even when i had some free time i had to spend it decorating, plus with my other grows, these guys got a bit left out.

They've suffered some lock-out which stunted their growth and was slowly starting to kill them.

I've now corrected this and they are growing fine again. I need these guys more than ever now that the master kush haven't produced a viable mom. Baby bear is dead, probably a product of the lock out but it was always a sickly plant anyway, better off dead.:mrgreen:

I'll post some pic's of the little tykes later. Still busy!


New Member
Here's those pic's, or pic' rather. I know they are small, but so long as I can get a female and clone her I'll turn her offspring into a beautiful plant. WATCH THIS THREAD! I did it with the la conf', fucked the mother right up down to laziness, being stoned, having other things to do etc etc.

I know the pic' isn't much, but at the moment... it's all they're worth.



New Member
It's actually coco. I've moved out of soil never to look back unless they legalise it and i can grow outdoors. I grow in hydro and dwc. Mainly dwc, hydro just to bring a new strain through usually.


Well-Known Member
soil or coco, versitile none the less. you have a lot on your hands.... how do you find the time, do you work full time? like not at home....

i work 7 days a week usually, 45 mile drive to work. 12-8am, i have a 2 year old. and i have like over 50 plants..... im exausted all the time. really like the work and will be sticking around till the seet end!


New Member
soil or coco, versitile none the less. you have a lot on your hands.... how do you find the time, do you work full time? like not at home....

i work 7 days a week usually, 45 mile drive to work. 12-8am, i have a 2 year old. and i have like over 50 plants..... im exausted all the time. really like the work and will be sticking around till the seet end!
I work for myself, and have a few different ways that I make money. I have a 3 year old, a nearly 2 year old, and a 6 month old. All boys. I'm decorating the house too. I feel like i'm rushing all the time, even when I'm on this site.

My larger grow has been shut down so I'm just left with the one in my house now. My next harvest is going to be fairly pitiful.