Chronic x White Russian


Well-Known Member
Lookin good skunky...those girls are going
to end up fat and dense if you ask me....

I was wondering if you had another project
in the works...


New Member
34 days flower

I'll post pic's tomorrow after the next feed. Here's the 6th flower feed into 9litres of water.

Sensi Bloom A, 26.25ml
Sensi Bloom B, 26.25ml
MET Bloom, 16.25ml
Fulvic Acid, 16.25ml
Superthrive, 2ml
Barricade, 1.5ml
Cannazym, 22.5ml
Carboload, 9ml
Overdrive, 30ml

These are looking good. I estimate a 9 week flower period, maybe a little longer, and I should get 2oz per plant. Not bad for 1 gallon containers.:mrgreen:


New Member
Here's the 7th flower feed, 43 days flower. the feed was given yesterday.

Into 9litres of water:

Sensi Bloom A, 26ml
Sensi Bloom B, 26ml
MET Bloom, 17ml
Fulvic Acid, 17ml
Superthrive, 2ml
Barricade, 1.5ml
Carboload, 8ml
Cannazym, 22.5ml
Overdrive, 30ml

EC, between 1.6-1.8

the first pic is of mommy bear and daddy bear together, you'll note that daddy bear is around twice the thickness of mommy bear, although what you can't see from the pic is mommy bears superb lower branches.

In the second pic' you'll note that dady bear's main cola has been bent in half as I ran out of head room. Daddy bear is going to easily be the biggest yielding plant I've had so far in coco. The thickness of the cola puts me in reminder of some of my dwc grows.

Amazing strain.



Well-Known Member
lookin good skunk. i know you like to run your lights closer to the plants, was just wondering what kind of temps are at the top of the plants? my temps can get quite high, around 88 sometimes, but minus a little bit of leaf curling, the plants dont seem too badly affected, and on they grow..


Well-Known Member
Here's the 7th flower feed, 43 days flower. the feed was given yesterday.

Into 9litres of water:

Sensi Bloom A, 26ml
Sensi Bloom B, 26ml
MET Bloom, 17ml
Fulvic Acid, 17ml
Superthrive, 2ml
Barricade, 1.5ml
Carboload, 8ml
Cannazym, 22.5ml
Overdrive, 30ml

EC, between 1.6-1.8

the first pic is of mommy bear and daddy bear together, you'll note that daddy bear is around twice the thickness of mommy bear, although what you can't see from the pic is mommy bears superb lower branches.

In the second pic' you'll note that dady bear's main cola has been bent in half as I ran out of head room. Daddy bear is going to easily be the biggest yielding plant I've had so far in coco. The thickness of the cola puts me in reminder of some of my dwc grows.

Amazing strain.

think what you could have done if you were in soil. :lol:


New Member
lookin good skunk. i know you like to run your lights closer to the plants, was just wondering what kind of temps are at the top of the plants? my temps can get quite high, around 88 sometimes, but minus a little bit of leaf curling, the plants dont seem too badly affected, and on they grow..
Yeah, i really need to move into SOG. I'm just worried that if I ever got caught, the law in my country counts the amount of plants you have. So I'd be fucked.

I do suffer with quite a bit of burning to the upper leaves, but in fairness this usually happens during stretch, and before the budding stage has kicked into high gear so the burning is just to the leaves alone.

It hasn't affected daddy bear in the slightest, his cola is easily twice the size of mommy bear and she hasn't suffered at all from burning on account of not stretching so tall.

I also live in a relatively damp country, so particularly with denser colas it is easy to suffer with mold on the buds. Fortunately I am yet to suffer the effects of mold, and I like to believe this is because of the closeness of my lights and decent ventilation.


Active Member
They look like they are going to be quite nice in a few weeks. Congrats! :clap:
I have some of these Fat Russian seeds from matt popping now, no dramas so far, and the Lemon Stinkys are going great guns as well.
They probably would have been some fat ass mommas if they had bigger pots hey, but they look good regardless.
What's the crystal formation like? I get crystals from late in the 5th week on the White Russians, and they don't seem to pack on a lot of weight until very late in the flower stage.
Keep it up!

Jimbo :leaf:


New Member
The crystal formation is good. Started around week 4, from seed of course. I've cloned daddy bear as she is the best yielding plant, although i just got lucky there, as in veg' these two looked very equal.

I also have 3 of her clones flowering now, 3 weeks in. These are in 3litre containers and had a 10 day veg. I'm hoping for an oz per plant.

Thanks for looking in by the way. I'd appreciate a link to your grow.


New Member
Hey! You do realise I'm a mod'? I would never post on, they are only interested in your money, and regularly send IP's to Law Enforcement. They have to or their asses go to jail.

This site is safe. Start a journal here, and I'll gladly look in. Ta.

BTW, I'm deleting your link.


New Member
Easy feed this week. This into 9litres of water:

Final Phase, 22.5ml

I've started the fp early at 7 weeks, as I'm still not sure what the flowering time is on these guys yet, so I'm playing it safe.


Active Member
Hey! You do realise I'm a mod'? I would never post on, they are only interested in your money, and regularly send IP's to Law Enforcement. They have to or their asses go to jail.

This site is safe. Start a journal here, and I'll gladly look in. Ta.

BTW, I'm deleting your link.
Terribly sorry - I wasn't aware of any of that.
I just joined that place. How do you know all that?
I didn't realise you were a mod but that wouldn't have made a difference.
Apologies again.
Best for the future,


New Member
Terribly sorry - I wasn't aware of any of that.
I just joined that place. How do you know all that?
I didn't realise you were a mod but that wouldn't have made a difference.
Apologies again.
Best for the future,
No problems. everyonedoesit sell seeds and bongs at inflated prices, they have a forum second, to lure people into buying their stock. I was just a bit shocked to click your link and be taken to a different site.

Now, any chance of you starting a journal on here?:bigjoint: Welcome, btw.


Active Member
hi Skunk, great grow btw!! thanks for the info on your grow. just received sensi bloom part a + b for my ladies. i have been searching feed rates and your info is great. i am adding mollasses (soil grow btw). does the big bud make a difference as you have also been adding the bloom nutes??? good luck mate.


New Member
hi Skunk, great grow btw!! thanks for the info on your grow. just received sensi bloom part a + b for my ladies. i have been searching feed rates and your info is great. i am adding mollasses (soil grow btw). does the big bud make a difference as you have also been adding the bloom nutes??? good luck mate.
Not sure on the mollasses. I realise yours is a soil grow but carboload is an excellent product that works much better. I've had my bottle of carboload since December last year. I reckon I've still got a couple of months worth in the bottle. How much would carboload cost you in oz? Here it's £12, so i'm guessing that's about $30 Aus?

Yes, the big bud makes a difference, but you only use it from week 2 up to week 4. After that you switch to Overdrive. Advanced Nutrients also do a nutrient chart that is so good, I grew several DWC crops WITHOUT a truncheon or even a digital PH pen, just using liquid litmus for colour. Check out their website for the charts. If you don't have a truncheon, and want to play it safe, pick the flowering chart that peaks at 1.8 ec. If you do have a truncheon then you're fairly safe in peaking at 2.0 ec.

On your next crop it would be a good idea to switch to coco. It looks and behaves just like soil, only it works better as it can hold more moisture while at the same time retaining more oxygen too. Perlite is also a great addition (in soil too) as this holds much more accessable oxygen for your roots.

If you start a journal on here, I'd be happy to stop by and help out (with my limited knowledge) if you need it.:weed:


New Member
im growing white russians too. and they look sweet!!(yours)lol
Hey there Doc, mine are crossed with Chronic. Mine just love to grow. Particularly Daddy Bear who is now a mom plant that's given me around 40 clones in 6 weeks. Which when you compare that to the 12 the LA mom's provided in the same amount of time, you see what I mean.

As soon as the clones take root they start growing, within a couple of days they are pushing against the lid of the prop'. I've never known a strain like it. Chronic are not good for topping, but my Hybrid loves it, doesn't give a fuck... just wants to grow.


Active Member
thanks skunk, i have had problem with my soil draining too quickly and would like to try something different next time. i will look into the coco and give it a try. thanks for the reply, i dont post alot but research alot on here. the molasses works really well and from what i have read alot of people complain that those carb products are really similar to molasses anyway, cost more and smell the same. i will give it a try though. thanks for the help!!!


New Member
I harvested these guys yesterday. Two plants, just under 500g wet (around 475), and I harvested at 9 weeks. I reckon they could have gone 10, but I need the room. I have 3 chronics 6 weeks in too, and likewise three la confidential. I also want to flower my moms. So i chopped them, gave them a good trim, then weighed them up. I'm looking at around just under 4oz for the two plants (after branch removal, drying etc).

