Well you asked for it....actually you didnt.....but.... 'this is what you gettin' (Ticks and Leeches)
k so my 'supposed XPG panel' turned up today. Good and bad.....here goes.....

Comes with a silicon backing

Mounted on a nice copper based board. Thickness is 2mm.

Silicon backing in place. It lines up perfectly with the heatsink..so no extra drilling was needed. Added a bit more thermal paste.

Please dont look at my soldering... (damn now they are going to look at my soldering...)

Run for an hour...doesnt get as hot as my other floods.

Reflector fits nicely over the top.

So the bad part is...it is only drawing 26 watts at the wall and 0.2 amps? Supposed to be 45-48 watts....So i think they sent me the 30w XPE not the 50w XPG...havent talked to them yet

'Wheres Weedy'?

(Weedy is under the new flood...)
It is about as bright as my other 50w floods...so i guess the efficiency of the Crees is making up the brightness for the lower watts.