Yeah, I made the mistake of not doing my research, that's why I joined, so I could add my bit. It's been more than two weeks since I placed my order... I got a confirmation e-mail, they debited me, then at ten days I e-mailed to see if it had shipped. I got no response. Two days later, I called, several times, always goes to voicemail... left a polite message to please respond to my e-mail or call, just want to know the status of my order, referenced the order number. No response. On their web site (where they talk about their "excellent customer service") they mention most orders are filled in 4-7 days. BUT it also says "Allow 4 weeks for delivery". That covers their arse legally. I still don't have my order... I guess basically, they just don't give a sheit. They blow, and I will never do business with them again.