Church is BUNK


Active Member
I just ordered the CHURCH from green house and 3 out of 10 germinated is this normal for greenhouse? It's not my technique i think because the xxx 420 i put at the same time 14 out 14 came up. Greenhouse sux!!!


Well-Known Member
scuff them? they should say they have a low germ rate when they sell them! that sucks man


Well-Known Member
I always hated church. Spending an early morning hour listening to some old guy drone on and on and on..... Sorry, the urge controlled me.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I like Greenhouse seeds every strain I got from them is killer. With very good germ rates. The Chuch is suppoed to be a good strain. Its sold out at the Attitude. Some seeds are naturally harder then others. Thats why some need to be scuffed. You can take them out of the water or paper towel and let them dry good, then scuff and try to germ again. It has worked for me.


Active Member
Research??? Where in the world would somebody find info that says warning: must scuff the church before attempting germination> are there are any other scuff specific strains out there? How about you help a brother out?


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain i had some church seeds that wouldnt pop for me, apparently they had some problems before, but its supposed to have been fixed, now you cant find em anywhere, so i think something is up with that strain, anyhow, sorry to hear about your troubles.


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse seeds are amazing. I've never tried Church before, but Arjan's Strawberry Haze is amazing, and their trainwreck is great too. Good germ rates on both of them too.