Cigafello's first grow/bag seed cheap grow


4 walmart 24 inch grow lights = $40
4 3000k spectrum 24 inch eco lux technology replacement bulbs = $12
1 expert brand fast results water soluble plant food = $4
1 42.5 L expert gardener brand organic potting soil = $9
1 small black fan = $12
Card board box = free
1 leaf mister = $3
1 10 inch plant pot = $5
1 set of peat pots $2
All other misc supplie such as rope to hang lights where free.

About $90 all together.

I started this journal late about 3 weeks in. Lighting is 24/7. I water about once a week it seems like. I mist the leaves every other day. I put the fan on them about 3 days a week. I grow them in my out side closet so they get plenty of fresh air aswell. I put them in the sun for a uv blast for about 3-4 hours about 4-5 days of the week. I am going to start flowering when the big one reaches 12 inchs. It seems to grow about a inch a day right now so in a couple more days we will start to flower. I hope they are both females.



So I got black gnats and I tried using raid earth options soap spray or whatever. I highly suggest sewing the company as they advertise that it works which it only made them fly away and come back after spraying it. My plants where the ones who suffered as there leaves seemed to be thin dry and curl after using it. Im sure they will recover in a few days. Here's some pics after 2 days of using it. The big one is about 10 inchs. Just a couple more days until I start flowering. If your wondering why the other plant isn't as big its because the poor thing fell off of something high 2 times. It will be ok as it has started to recover and grow again. My next grow will be alot better. Thinking about ordering some super nova chronic seeds. As for the gnats I am going to try and use the method jeffdawg or w.e his name was posted in a thread using glass jars with vinnager and dish soap. Feel free to post in my thread as I am new to growing and new to the forums. Here's the pics of the damage.



awww poor lil guys. damn those gnats dont you just wanna burn them all lol. i just tried supercropping to make the lower branches grow more i want bushy plants hopfully it will work. im glad your doing bagseed too, me and you are in the same boat my first grow i had 3 plants all turn male lol. so this last time i planted 6 and 4 where female so my ratio was 66.64% female the second time. the only bad thing is i was only expecting 2 and got double so my space is getting hard to manage. also your plants still look health except for the leaf curle they should snap back.


Active Member
plants were lookin real nice ,fan is a bit small and your gonna need a bigger one..5gal buckets are the norm..for the flies i use some dish soap or neem oil..and fly strips do wonders..i use 4 of them in my grow room there are 100's of black flies stuck too them ..anytime you use bagged soil u take the chance of having these black gnats they live in it in the thing to do is bake your soil b4 you use it...150 deg in the oven or bbq grill will take care of it...another option is to put a thin layer of play box sand on top of your pots,this will suffocate the gnats and keep them from going into your pots..gnats hate sand...



Thanks for the info im currently using vinegar but will pick up some beach sand aswell. The damage is done and it wad ugly due to the earth raid options spray. I had to cut all the first growth leaves off they where rotted and dried out. Hope things get better as im in the 3rd day of flowering.



About 4-5 days into flowering. They have recovered from the damage alot now. I will update when I find the sexes out.


Ok so I think im in my 7-8 lth day of flowering the plants still show some bad effects do to the raid earth options spray I used but they look alot better. So anyways this is my first grow so im not sure how to sex them maybe you guys can see from these pics also give any other diagnosis on them please. Here is alot of pics to look at that I took today.



Alrighty then lol im sort of glad as I did a few things I shouldn't have this grow do not worry my friends as this grow is not wasted. Im going to smoke the male flowers on420 and im going to let you know how ripped I get if at all. I also am going to start a 12/12 from seed grow on the 21st with as many plants as I can fit in my grow space. Any idea starting 12/12 from seed how long it takes to finish from start?


Active Member
lol u rerwally needed helpo with this that thing nothing but huge fat balls i had a gnat problem before they eventually did afte ri gave plant part hydrogen perozide part water


Yeah I needed help vinegar in glass cups and beach sand on top of the soil seems to take care of them. I tried smoking he male flowers a few days ago. I didn't get anything I wanted to toss the plants and start my new grow but my gf said let's let the male flowers mature a little more so im giving them till my birthday then I will smoke them again and ill let you guys know if I get anykind of buzz. My bday is on most of our favorite holiday. My next grow is going to be 3 different kinds of bag seed grown 12/12 from the start so we can see how that goes. I have 13 seeds so hopefully I will get some females this time. Im pretty sure 3 of the seeds are some kush seeds the rest was mid grade bag weed.


Active Member
do you have any females growing now? why not just clone them, rather than growing from seed again? then there is not the wasted time with the males. btw, those were perfect pictures to show a male plant. you can save those and use them for others, im sure there are some people that still dont know what a male looks like. sorry about your luck.