"Cinco De High-O" cabinet grow

Yeah I was nervous about it, but all the new growth sites on the stocky plant were completely covered by these big leaves. The smaller leaves on the new growth were all drooping, they look much better this morning. Maybe more light/fresh air will help. Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully biobizz shows up soon and I can get them some good stuff.
Yeah I was nervous about it, but all the new growth sites on the stocky plant were completely covered by these big leaves. The smaller leaves on the new growth were all drooping, they look much better this morning. Maybe more light/fresh air will help. Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully biobizz shows up soon and I can get them some good stuff.
nice! you've ordered alg-a-mic?
Tested the new soil mix today. Everything looks good, other than nitrogen. It's really low. What's the best way for me to add nitrogen? Seems to be effecting my seedlings as well.
@Slobberhose your watering method seems to be working great!! The ladies are looking happy as ever. They soak up the runoff super quick.
I transplanted some seedlings yesterday into 2 liter bottles, this new soil has the roots growing like crazy! The roots had filled the edges and bottom inch or two of their solo cups. When I transplanted from solo cups to bigger pots in the FFOF I didnt have roots anywhere close to this developed. Not much else has changed, I'll upload a pic this evening of the happy girls. Thanks again!

Glad it's working for you. Plants are looking good man.
Mixed up a teaspoon of organic blood meal up in a gallon of water for nitrogen. I know it didnt dissolve in the water, but the plan was for better distribution as opposed to mixing it in the top of the soil. Also mixed up a dose of CaliMagic and Alaskan Fish Fertilizer at full strength. The girls finally seem to be getting their color back, and the seedlings had exploded when I checked on them this morning. They're a little droopy, but that seems to be the norm at lights off. When I get home in the afternoon they are parked up soaking up the Ray's :blsmoke:

Girls are looking much better!! Got my algamic in a couple days ago, gave them a dose with their watering on tuesday. They seem to be drinking a lot more water, hopefully thats a good sign. I wanna make sure they are healthy and I'm gonna flip them to flower. Trimmed a few more fan leaves off the taller plant before I watered them. They were blocking a few buds sites.

My 3 gallon fabric pots showed up today. I had the seedlings in plastic 2 liters, and even with holes and slits all over, they held water too long. I think they were suffering from a lack of nitrogen like the big plants, they were in the same soil mixture. Hopefully the bloodmeal will correct that problem, and the fabric pots should help the drainage issue they had in the 2 liter bottles.

Mixed up some soil tonight. I went with 25% survive and thrive, 50% garden mix, and 25% worm castings. I also added some blood meal at 1/4 cup per cubic foot, and a heavy dusting of Endo 4 mychorrizae.

Transplanted all the seedlings into 3 gallon pots. Gave them each a little drink of some algamic, the soil was already pretty moist so I only gave them about 12oz each. Also topdressed my big plants with ewc's.

I'm gonna try some training techniques on these seedlings, I like the idea of mainlining, and the extended veg should let me get my big plants through flower so I have room in the flower cabinet.

I think I'm gonna switch the big plants on the 4th, time to let them be free to create buds :blsmoke:

Happy Fourth of July!! Girls are looking nice and perky, seem to have their color back and are growing nicely. Flipped them to flower today, I read they're gonna grow like wildfire the next 4 or 5 days. Am I going to need to monitor my watering more closely, say a couple times a day? Anything else I need to do or watch for? Certain nutrients likely to become deficient due to the rapid growth?
So the seedlings are below the plants you just flipped in a homemade cabinet? Nice setup dude I like the addition of the rosemary and marigolds

Thanks!! They are right next door to each other
I havent added any pictures since I "finished" the cabinets. Took about 12" from the veg cabinet and turned it into shelving for all my soils and nutrients. To be clear, my "finished" means functional, not actually finished :lol: I liked the idea of having some plants that naturally repelled bugs, seems to work pretty well. I've got to start mixing up the marigold and rosemary water separately, they arent fond of the nutrient rich mix that the plants get. I wish I could find more carnivorous plants at the local hardware store. I guess I'm gonna have to break down and order a few online. The pitcher plant in the big cabinet works amazing. Here is a picture of the 2 cabinets how I have them setup.

Here they are on day 6 of flower. The short plant seems to have grown a few inches in height, and the taller plant seems to be bushing out. Hard to tell in the pictures, but they both seem to have gotten their color back nicely.


Seedlings are growing great. I'm gonna start mainlining them this weekend, they're on their 6th or 7th node now.

Built a new charcoal filter today, my original design was just plain terrible. Used a guide I found on here using some ductwork pieces and hardware cloth wrapped in pantyhose. I had just enough charcoal from my first filter to fill the cavity between the 4" and 6" tubes. I used a duct starter piece and mounted it directly to the cabinet hole for the fan, didnt need anything else to connect it to the fan. seems to work great, definitely need a bigger air intake, gonna do that tomorrow.


Tonight is the big night, gonna start mainlining the seedlings. they're on their 6th node and looking really healthy. Gonna go Edward Scissorhands on these ladies, yall wish me luck!! Here is a pic of the bigger plant from the top while I had her out installing the new filter.

Thanks man!!! Its been a learning experience for sure. Thankfully I have people like you willing to share knowledge and advice. You helped me create a cabinet that functions great! The rapitest soil test kit and the search function on the forum have been my saving grace.

The girls are looking great, they finally have good coloring and seem to be drinking plenty of water and nutrients, so fingers crossed things will go relatively smooth from here on out. I'm glad I did what you recommended and just let them grow naturally, I've learned a lot about how the plant grows and things to look for. Switching soils really seems to have done the trick for me. The roots on the seedling were growing incredibly fast. Thanks again for all your help!!
Bit the bullet and topped the plants. I know the tutorial says to top at the 3rd node, but honestly the 3rd set of leaves really didnt look too hot. When I first switched soils I had a nitrogen deficiency that effected the seedlings. The first sawtooth blade leaf and next set of leaves really didnt look too healthy. The 4th node was really the first to have good sized and healthy leaves, it just felt right to top it there. From what I've read I'll have to top the next sets of nodes on even numbers as well? Hopefully it works out well, we shall see. Gonna give them a couple days to recover, then remove everything below the 4th node. Gave them each about 8oz of water with a little algamic mixed in there.


I'll update in a few days, hopefully with good news