Cities/Counties that still allow new dispensaries?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been a while since I've really been active on here. Left california for a while to go back to the east coast for work and family, but finally made my way back at the beginning of the year. I've been dabbling in different aspects of the business since returning, but my ultimate goal is to open a brick and mortar.

Obviously, thanks to MMRSA and the initial "set up your own rules by march 1st or adopt our rules" alot of cities and counties put up an outright ban on pretty much all aspects of MMJ.

I'm trying to figure out what cities or counties haven't gone that route. I know YOLO county is still mellow, but as far as I know the cities themselves all have a ban on new dispensaries. I'm in the Sacramento area, so I'd love to get something going atleast within a 60 mile radius of here.

So the question is, to your knowledge, which cities and counties are allowing new dispensaries to open? I'm fine with jumping through city permit processes, as long as they actually exist.
Try Monterey County. Only two dispensaries in the whole county, but it appears that local governments are getting less hostile.

So far, I've been to dispensaries in LA county, OC, San Jose, Berkeley area and Santa Cruz. LA may have thrown up a few roadblocks and San Jose treats clinics like every one of them is a headquarters for organized crime, but the other places I listed are fairly open. Santa Cruz has the "nicest" places I've visited so far -- attractive facilities and a relaxed "spa" atmosphere in all the ones I've visited.
As far as new brick and mortar shops, I know San Diego county is not allowing any new shops to go up until they see what happens with the legalization bill in Nov. If it passes then there is gonna be all types of licensing requirement for new shops to open. As far as delivery services go, I believe you can still open new delivery service with prescribed permits etc.
Most of the cities that surround Sacramento have banned dispensaries. You will have to check the local laws to see who will still allow them. It's a short list.