I'm all about living in the country !! Except I'm still in a small town north of the cities...I grew up on a smaller secluded lake in the country and the saying"don't know what you got til it's gone" rings true(folks got divorced)
I have to say if I was a wealthy soul,I would certainly have a bad ass condo overlooking the city for weekends!!
I was born, raised, currently living and will hopefully die in the country. I got to have some space, I think an apartment in a city, any city, would be the death of me in short order.
I live in the country now. But also lived in the city. City life is cool if Yer active. But gets annoying sometimes. Gotta deal with traffic and a plethora of scumbags.
That's why I don't associate with stoners, I am on the election commission, and stay involved in the community in a positive manor. if ever I have to buy pot I drive three hrs. to the city and bring it back. I would rather risk driving with it than be seen hanging out with the wrong crowd.