City of God


Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to watch that one but haven't had much time to check out indie movies, mostly due to my wife not really liking those kinds of movies. I think I've seen more chick flicks in my 2 years of marriage than anything else, lol

Not to mention I like a few anime's I need to add to my collection of dvd's.
Haha, yeah I'm in the same boat. My indie/foreign watching went way down when I met my wife. With her it's nothing but big summer blockbusters---boo.

Acouple Indies for you to check out:
Wristcutters: A Love story
In Bruges
The Fall
Dark City


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, same here, nothing but Hollywood blockbusters and chick flicks...

There are probably more recommendations in this thread than I'll ever get to see but hopefully I can at least get to a few of them


Well-Known Member
Saw Oldboy yesterday, I had a feeling about the father daughter thing but the sister brother one came out of left field. Cool movie


Well-Known Member
If you like City of God, you should watch Tropa De Elite & Tropa De Elite 2 -- both great flicks about Rio, crime & favelas
Dues filmes esta muito bom!


Well-Known Member
"Y tu Mama Tambien" just got added to Netflix

I highly recommend this one, it's in Spanish and I can't remember if it is subtitled or not but it's also a good one to watch


Well-Known Member
idk if ppl ever saw "Killing Zoe" but i always liked that one
