Civil Discourse

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"global power grab" You right wing nuts have a fake conspiracy theory behind everything. too funny that.

You mean by the thousands of phD scientists world wide who work hard to study and understand why our climate is changing and quite clearly have shown that it's caused by industrial green house gas emissions? The science is settled. All that remains is to begin the hard work to cut back on these emissions. Yet Trump and supporters like you cling to Exxon's lobbyist propaganda. Why is that?
Good example here of someone labeling, then dismissing. Get honest. Forgive your parents. Big love.
Conservatives seem to care about Trump being racist like liberals care about the Steele dossier being used to get FISA warrants. Maybe we all have our political bias and it does not mean the opposition is scum. So easy to just dismiss instead of discuss.
You expect us to believe a chronic liar?

Dude, just relate the story with all the embellishments you normally include. It's hilarious. Of course you are lying but it's a good story. Doesn't make you look good that you blame the blacks for your arrest, though.

No one cares what you believe. You are not likable.
That was an honest answer from you. Thank you for admitting that you are willing to kill other people who haven't harmed you.

Now about your idea that's it's okay to make an unwilling person serve you, are you a member of any groups that want to reinstate chattel slavery ?
the yes was to your last question. I viewed all the prior as ranting from a moocher who does not want to pay his share, whilst he uses all services.
I think our individual right to be left alone when we are leaving others alone trumps any imagined right government operatives have to interact with us.

Police are, afterall, just human beings with no more right to do anything that would be wrong if you or I did it. Following orders to enforce a stupid law, isn't right, while it may be legal.

To a degree. I'd have to say your opinion is a bit too hands off for me. Some people need their cages rattled. Sadly this has been used as a reason for some officers to straight up harass and even murder people without any punishment. This is what needs corrected, not the act of looking for baddies.
Good example here of someone labeling, then dismissing. Get honest. Forgive your parents. Big love.
So in order to reject the theory that 98% of the scientific community says best fits the data, there ought to be an alternate one that is better. I'm guessing you are too much of a shill for the right to provide what this theory is.

Unless you just like to peddle myths and horror stories, that is.
Conservatives seem to care about Trump being racist like liberals care about the Steele dossier being used to get FISA warrants. Maybe we all have our political bias and it does not mean the opposition is scum. So easy to just dismiss instead of discuss.
Oh, no we care about the fake conspiracy theory that you nazis keep trundling out. I get a laugh every time I hear it. It's not dismissed. The Steele dossier contained some useful information. The narrative that it was the only source of information is false. Right wingers just listen to what jibes with their beliefs, mostly not factual.
Oh, no we care about the fake conspiracy theory that you nazis keep trundling out. I get a laugh every time I hear it. It's not dismissed. The Steele dossier contained some useful information. The narrative that it was the only source of information is false. Right wingers just listen to what jibes with their beliefs, mostly not factual.

You think bugeye is a Nazi?

What a dope you are. No wonder you have to spend all your time online. No one with any sense would ever talk to you in person.

And you get to be friends here with a couple of dopes that sound just as hysterical as you.

Win win!
You think bugeye is a Nazi?

What a dope you are. No wonder you have to spend all your time online. No one with any sense would ever talk to you in person.

And you get to be friends here with a couple of dopes that sound just as hysterical as you.

Win win!
I wasn't talking to you liar boy. When I want to laugh at you, I'll let you know.
Racism stems from fear of things that are different.

It is amplified by the environment we grow up in.

Calling people racists who really are not is as bad as racism itself.

Racism is a superiority complex!
Racism is so arrogant, it believes it's the only one that's right!
Or it fears CHANGE!
It is always 1 of these, or both.
Racism is intolerance.
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