Civil Discourse

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Tangerine, I say what I mean, I mean what I say, I am clear, if you have a problem grasping it, that is your hang up, not mine.
Me too bro. Thats me in a nutshell.

Can you treat every single other human being in this world with the same amount of respect, and tolerance?
Can you tolerate, you might be a minority if you don't?

I actually think your pretty cool, in truth.
Just can't stand your political view, so im saying what i think, and thinking what i say.

Yet you are ignoring me a little, and not treating me with the same respect you say you have.

H and S, I suggest you go and brush up on comprehensive reading. No Tim, we may differ on certain ideas, one is not valid over another, this is perspective, I respect that you think for yourself, and I respect the right to do so, I just do not agree with certain politics. I am a Constitutional Republican, not a conservative or a libertarian, I believe in a representative democracy, I also believe that freedom is a birthright, that should be in every country, not the perceived illusion we live in now.
H and S, I suggest you go and brush up on comprehensive reading. No Tim, we may differ on certain ideas, one is not valid over another, this is perspective, I respect that you think for yourself, and I respect the right to do so, I just do not agree with certain politics. I am a Constitutional Republican, not a conservative or a libertarian, I believe in a representative democracy, I also believe that freedom is a birthright, that should be in every country, not the perceived illusion we live in now.
And may I suggest you hone in on "critical thinking":hug:
Well thanks again everyone, for another day of civil discourse.

Yesterday's topic was: How can we tell when the left goes too far? We got answers that barely varied at all. It seems that the left goes too far when they stop working toward egality, and start working toward equity.

It is possible that no one on the left who read the topic was capable of thinking about this issue.

Thanks again everyone. Keep growing.
Tangerine, I say what I mean, I mean what I say, I am clear, if you have a problem grasping it, that is your hang up, not mine.
Herb and suds, not a game, to many cookie cutter thinkers, very sad that ignorance is prevalent within most societies.
Ignorance or "willful" ignorance is exactly what you're displaying here. Especially when you parrot the alt-right and use a young ladies death to promote a lie that undocumented immigrants bring more crime, despite piles of research to the contrary.

Tangerine, asylum for what, they were not allowed to ride their bike, herb and suds, those that accuse are usually the most guilty. Are you guilty H and S?
You cant possibly be this uniformed. o_O

Wait...what I am thinking. Of course you can.
By the way Tim, I really do not have any animus against anyone, personally, I prefer debate over argument. I am not ignoring anyone, just trying to get my point across, not by force, as far as H and S is concerned, I hope he returns to his village and resumes his post immediately.
Well thanks again everyone, for another day of civil discourse.

Yesterday's topic was: How can we tell when the left goes too far? We got answers that barely varied at all. It seems that the left goes too far when they stop working toward egality, and start working toward equity.

It is possible that no one on the left who read the topic was capable of thinking about this issue.

Thanks again everyone. Keep growing.
Or maybe they're smart enough not to get caught up in your baited trolling.
Well thanks again everyone, for another day of civil discourse.

Yesterday's topic was: How can we tell when the left goes too far? We got answers that barely varied at all. It seems that the left goes too far when they stop working toward egality, and start working toward equity.

It is possible that no one on the left who read the topic was capable of thinking about this issue.

Thanks again everyone. Keep growing.
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