Civil Discourse

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Religious faith IS belief without needing evidence. You've professed religious faith several times in this thread. Your religion might be Trumpism or some other ism but you are warped by religion. This is obvious.

That's western faith. Buddhist faith is going out and practicing what the Buddha taught and not accepting anything on blind acceptance, like you do when you say faith needs no evidence.

You have no evidence of that but you state it as fact. Who's the real religious fanatic here besides you with your unquestioning faith in scientism? Real science recognises it's a disipline of definitions used for predictions, and nothing more.
Twisting the words of another does not add to the veracity of your statement, it only detracts.
My post was accurate. Religious faith IS belief without the need for evidence. At least twice in this thread, the spin doctor said he didn't have a reason why he believed but he just did. Once regarding global warming and once regarding abortion. If you don't believe me, you can either fall back on your own religion or you can go back in this thread where you will find confirmation on both points. The global warming discussion where after reviewing the science behind the theory was held on 8/30/18.

I don't expect you will understand this but most right wing beliefs are examples of religious faith rather than facts.
That's western faith. Buddhist faith is going out and practicing what the Buddha taught and not accepting anything on blind acceptance, like you do when you say faith needs no evidence.

You have no evidence of that but you state it as fact. Who's the real religious fanatic here besides you with your unquestioning faith in scientism? Real science recognises it's a disipline of definitions used for predictions, and nothing more.
^^Oh horse shit.

Buddhism is one of the worlds great religions. I'm not knocking it. I'm not knocking devout religion by thoughtful people in Islam or Christianity either. I do knock unthinking people who insist that their religious belief must be followed by people who don't or can't believe as they do.
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Then what keeps you motivated to wake up each morning? If I didn't have Amitabha to call upon every moment I feel doubts,.i don't think I could go on. No offense,.but I'd be depressed beyond belief.
I think it is amazing to be alive. It is amazing to not be in a crippling amount of pain. (I was laid up for a year with crippling pain. Surgery gave me a second chance.) I love the people around me. I have a puppy born 3 days ago. I enjoy a lot of activities. I love art and music. I love arguing with people. I have goals, and I am reaching them.

I was raised Christian. Went to a lot of different churches. When I got critical, it didn't hold up. I don't think a person can choose to believe something. To believe something, a person must be convinced.
^^Oh horse shit.

Buddhism is one of the worlds great religions. I'm not knocking it. I'm not knocking devout religion by thoughtful people in Islam or Christianity either. I do knock unthinking people who insist that their religious belief must be followed by people who don't or can't believe as they do.

You're slipping, that doesn't sound so ismy, and more behavior based.
I think it is amazing to be alive. It is amazing to not be in a crippling amount of pain. (I was laid up for a year with crippling pain. Surgery gave me a second chance.) I love the people around me. I have a puppy born 3 days ago. I enjoy a lot of activities. I love art and music. I love arguing with people. I have goals, and I am reaching them.

I was raised Christian. Went to a lot of different churches. When I got critical, it didn't hold up. I don't think a person can choose to believe something. To believe something, a person must be convinced.
Human caused global warming. Believe? Disbelieve? Please provide evidence.
Wow. No, i am just a guy who grows medical marijuana who realized that the forum had a politics thread recently. Ive been a political junkie since about 2010. Voted for Obama in 2008. Ron Paul in 2012.

Im not worried about judgment from anyone. I have no anger or hate for anyone.
You voted for Obama, and then Ron Paul? Did you just close your eyes or use eeny meeny miney moe?
That's western faith. Buddhist faith is going out and practicing what the Buddha taught and not accepting anything on blind acceptance, like you do when you say faith needs no evidence.

You have no evidence of that but you state it as fact. Who's the real religious fanatic here besides you with your unquestioning faith in scientism? Real science recognises it's a disipline of definitions used for predictions, and nothing more.
You misunderstand, first, I am a polytheist, second, I have spent many years in study, third, Buddhism stemed from Hinduism when Buddha broke from the wheel of life. What most of what I have said is from obtained knowledge, what debate I have put up is from multiple news agencies, I am a deep believer in science, I am not a deep believer in the fact that humanity has a grasp on it, nor on reality. Most of what my faith is about, is gaining as much knowledge as possible and sharing it for the furtherment of society, although my faith has many aspects to it, this is one of its principles. I also do not claim to be infallible, most here think they deal in absolutes, they speak with hatred, ignorance, and malice. A fools play on their part, and a pity for the rest of humanity.
You're slipping, that doesn't sound so ismy, and more behavior based.

The logical fallacy employed in your post to me is called the ad-hominem attack.

In logic and rhetoric, personal attacks are called ad hominems. Ad hominem is Latin for “against the man.” Instead of advancing good sound reasoning, ad hominemsreplace logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter.

More specifically, ad hominems are a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.

Why not try again without falling into your typical use of bad arguments. Can you point at anything in my post that is false?
I think it is amazing to be alive. It is amazing to not be in a crippling amount of pain. (I was laid up for a year with crippling pain. Surgery gave me a second chance.) I love the people around me. I have a puppy born 3 days ago. I enjoy a lot of activities. I love art and music. I love arguing with people. I have goals, and I am reaching them.

I was raised Christian. Went to a lot of different churches. When I got critical, it didn't hold up. I don't think a person can choose to believe something. To believe something, a person must be convinced.
Nobody cares what you believe.
The logical fallacy employed in your post to me is called the ad-hominem attack.

In logic and rhetoric, personal attacks are called ad hominems. Ad hominem is Latin for “against the man.” Instead of advancing good sound reasoning, ad hominemsreplace logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter.

More specifically, ad hominems are a fallacy of relevance where someone rejects or criticizes another person’s view on the basis of personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other features irrelevant to the argument at issue.

Why not try again without falling into your typical use of bad arguments. Can you point at anything in my post that is false?

I was shocked is all. Nothing about alt-right white boy, white privilege, cars, cops only racist against blacks, and white robes.
Global warming is a con, switching terminology and calling it climate change, climate change has always been there, global warming/cooling has always existed long before humanity. None of the claims have been substantiated by any means.
I don't believe it because I haven't been convinced.
We went through the science and you had no issues with it. You just had doubt but can't come up with a good reason why.

Your stance on abortion is based upon the belief that the fetus is a baby. This if false but you hang onto that belief regardless.

Yes, it is clear that you just bumble through life as a religious ignoramus.
Global warming is a con, switching terminology and calling it climate change, climate change has always been there, global warming/cooling has always existed long before humanity. None of the claims have been substantiated by any means.
Human caused climate change is settled science. There is no reasonable doubt in the scientific community. Your post makes clear that you don't understand the issues.

The pseudoscience argument. "I don't understand the science but wont try to either."
you talk about pseudoscience, yet, your cause believes there are many different genders, you are relying on dated information and propaganda, you are chicken little running around and saying the sky is falling, total dribble.
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