Civil Discourse

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Apparently Russell Means disagrees with you.

The issues Russel Means advocate for don't apply to you or your ridiculous theories of what constitutes a social contract.
To put it simply, its about defending the sacred.
Because contrary to your belief system, natives understand they have a responsibility to their people.

It has nothing to do with your resistance to pay taxes to further support a public schools system you have benefited greatly from.

kepmite'tmnej ta'n teli l'nuwulti'kw kepmite'tmnej ta'n wettapeksulti'k
K? Good.
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They don't chant that. You are getting your news from one of those right wing biased sites.

So, I asked you a question earlier but you were probably busy trying to figure out which color of black leather fingerless gloves to wear at your next alt.right demonstration. I understand. You can't go to a white pride demonstration wearing just any weighted gloves. They have to match your jeans.

When you find the time, I'd appreciate your answering the earlier question.

Trump is racist. You voted for Trump. How is that not a racist act?
Fantasizing about what I'm wearing, eh?
Trump isn't racist, so that is a silly question. The reason i voted for the guy, reluctantly, was to avoid activist judges, and hopefully get constitutionalist originalist justices. I am not disappointed at all. He is doing way better than I imagined.
Why is it that white supremacists agree with you so strongly they drive their cars into crowds of people who are demonstrating their disagreement with them?
You can continue to ask but I doubt you'll get a straight answer. Just more double talk and blatant racism.
Ick. Proud boys. They must use steroids in their body wash. They stink of it.


I submit to you a crowd of past or future divorces due spousal abuse

Contrast that with Antifa:

We are so much cooler than fascists.
You can continue to ask but I doubt you'll get a straight answer. Just more double talk and blatant racism.
True. My intent is to ram home the foolish nature of the white supremacist movement and annoy them.

Sorry if the repetitive nature of my question is annoying. I'll stop this line of trolling if you say I should.
True. My intent is to ram home the foolish nature of the white supremacist movement and annoy them.

Sorry if the repetitive nature of my question is annoying. I'll stop this line of trolling if you say I should.
Oh hell no. Feel free to continue making your point. Just know you're never really going to get a straightforward genuine answer.
I have noticed a pattern here. Instead of trading ideas, people are attempting to glean just enough information to label someone, then dismiss them. (Or threaten them.)

I think when I see this combination of labeling and dismissal, I am just going to tell folks to get honest and forgive their parents. Big love.
Fantasizing about what I'm wearing, eh?
Trump isn't racist, so that is a silly question. The reason i voted for the guy, reluctantly, was to avoid activist judges, and hopefully get constitutionalist originalist justices. I am not disappointed at all. He is doing way better than I imagined.

"and just remember, what you are reading and what you are seeing is not happening"

Direct quote from Trump in a press briefing in June. LOL.

BTW, directly quoting somebody in context is not an indication of a left bias.

"Those who fail to learn from history are Donald Trump." LMFAO You guys are killing me. We have the clowns you guys just say funny stuff with without knowing how funny you are. I will say that we stop smiling after your kind run us over with cars. Hint: that's not a good look.
I have noticed a pattern here. Instead of trading ideas, people are attempting to glean just enough information to label someone, then dismiss them. (Or threaten them.)

I think when I see this combination of labeling and dismissal, I am just going to tell folks to get honest and forgive their parents. Big love.
Shut up, nazi
Jesus Christ! That dude with the gloves is an out of shape slob lol
Those fuckers can do damage though. They cracked a couple of antifa skulls when they turned flagpoles into truncheons back in July. The thing with facing them is they train and practice to do violence. That fat guy might not have been able to run but I'll bet he practiced with his nazi storm troopers. They are a very real threat to society.

They have picked out Portland Oregon to travel from all across the country to stage their demonstrations. We won't let them march in our streets which gets them into a roid rage. We outnumber them 5 to 1, which is why they've moved the site of their protests to a public space that allows them to carry guns. I can understand why they don't feel safe here. I just don't understand what they are protesting for.
Those fuckers can do damage though. They cracked a couple of antifa skulls when they turned flagpoles into truncheons back in July. The thing with facing them is they train and practice to do violence. That fat guy might not have been able to run but I'll bet he practiced with his nazi storm troopers. They are a very real threat to society.

They have picked out Portland Oregon to travel from all across the country to stage their demonstrations. We won't let them march in our streets which gets them into a roid rage. We outnumber them 5 to 1, which is why they've moved the site of their protests to a public space that allows them to carry guns. I can understand why they don't feel safe here. I just don't understand what they are protesting for.

I believe you've asked before, but I also wonder why of all places, do these guys go where there not welcomed?
I have noticed a pattern here. Instead of trading ideas, people are attempting to glean just enough information to label someone, then dismiss them. (Or threaten them.)

I think when I see this combination of labeling and dismissal, I am just going to tell folks to get honest and forgive their parents. Big love.
The only pattern we see here is your support for racist and fascist leaders.

Maybe you could tell me what those white power assholes that come to Portland to demonstrate are FOR?
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