Civil Discourse

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Well, thank you everyone, for another day of civil discourse. Today's topic was systemic racism. We got answers that vary. I did not have time to express all my thoughts today. Maybe we will revisit the topic in the future. Thanks again y'all. Keep growin
If they are white nationalists, I think that they believe socialism can work, but only in a white ethno state. I disagree with them strongly. Really no idea what they would be protesting in Portland. Maybe a lot of previously safe, clean neighborhoods are becoming full of crime and garbage. That might trigger a reaction from that crowd. Just guessing though.

Uh, nice hypothesis but doesn't fit the facts. I guess I'll just have to keep asking the question.
I was born and raised in a family that my great grandfather was murdered by Nazis and my grandmother had to flee her own country to be able to raise her family here.

I have hate much deeper than you for these twisted fanatics.

You are just a crying child looking for recognition.
I didn't say you were a jew hater, I'm just asking all the racists I know because I want to understand. Why do white hate groups gather from hundreds of miles around to demonstrate in Portland? If they were locals then we'd have a chance to sort things out but it's like an alien attack. One day all of these walking tanks show up with racist banners and shouting their support for racist leaders. I can't figure out what it is they want. Any insight about how a racist would think this is a good thing would be appreciated.

be civil
I didn't say you were a jew hater, I'm just asking all the racists I know because I want to understand. Why do white hate groups gather from hundreds of miles around to demonstrate in Portland? If they were locals then we'd have a chance to sort things out but it's like an alien attack. One day all of these walking tanks show up with racist banners and shouting their support for racist leaders. I can't figure out what it is they want. Any insight about how a racist would think this is a good thing would be appreciated.

be civil

So ask your friends.
Apparently Russell Means disagrees with you.

Apparently I disagree with Russell.
Apparently I disagree with Russell.

So when you were in high school they said, "good job Budley, even though your answer doesn't match mine it was well thought out and differences in opinion show leadership ability." Or did you always parrot your Prussian school teachers to avoid conflict?
You should continue to pay your property tax because you used the fuck out of the system, that uses property tax for education. Unless you can pay back the monies that everyone paid to educate your family, you shall help out the next. We already estimated the price it cost to educate YOU and your family.
and Please do STFU...not trying argue just want you to SFTU. Thanks

Yes, I can see that you are not making an argument. You rarely do.

So if you think people should pay for that which they use, what is your opposition to exempting people who don't use a particular "government service" from paying for it ?

Since you so studiously read every gem I create, you, no doubt, picked up on the quotes regarding the oxymoronic term "government service" . How can an act which requires force as an integral part of it, be called a "service" ?

Are you saying when slaves were fed by their master, that created the reasoning behind maintaining their status as slaves? It's the same lame rationale you use regarding government schools. In both cases one party is denied an option and the other party sets the rules, which are backed by force. So you would be okay with a system which "allowed" slaves to buy their way out of slavery, rather than simply ending slavery promptly?
The issues Russel Means advocate for don't apply to you or your ridiculous theories of what constitutes a social contract.
To put it simply, its about defending the sacred.
Because contrary to your belief system, natives understand they have a responsibility to their people.

It has nothing to do with your resistance to pay taxes to further support a public schools system you have benefited greatly from.
kepmite'tmnej ta'n teli l'nuwulti'kw kepmite'tmnej ta'n wettapeksulti'k
K? Good.

Can you show me a "social contract" ?

If you want to defend the sacred, the first thing you would avoid is using offensive force to do it. A social contract, is a rationalization to use offensive force.

I liked your banana on the guys face meme, perhaps that's where your talent lies? Ahem.
Yes, I can see that you are not making an argument. You rarely do.

So if you think people should pay for that which they use, what is your opposition to exempting people who don't use a particular "government service" from paying for it ?

Since you so studiously read every gem I create, you, no doubt, picked up on the quotes regarding the oxymoronic term "government service" . How can an act which requires force as an integral part of it, be called a "service" ?

Are you saying when slaves were fed by their master, that created the reasoning behind maintaining their status as slaves? It's the same lame rationale you use regarding government schools. In both cases one party is denied an option and the other party sets the rules, which are backed by force. So you would be okay with a system which "allowed" slaves to buy their way out of slavery, rather than simply ending slavery promptly?

I agree in theory with your proposals. But, for example without some sort of regulating authority how do we have standards? Who makes sure when you buy one gallon of gas you get exactly 231 cubic inches? Who decides wiring codes so your house doesn't burn down? Who determines if there's proper support on a load bearing wall or if an added beam is necessary?

These at a minimum require a miniarchist government. Or else we end up in a shithole country Trump complains about where a moderate earthquake demolishes buildings. Even though America sucks in many areas our strict building codes* for buildings at least are quite sound.

*let's ignore the bridges that fall down all time.
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