Civil Discourse

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Ok. Good topic today.

Should the US have control of it's borders? Why or why not?

The U.S. is a legal fiction and doesn't own anything thru justly acquired means, as opposed to individual people who can justly own property if certain criteria is met.

So the real question and the lump under the carpet is on what basis does a legal fiction claim ownership of anything ?

Individual people or groups of individuals with a similar and agreed upon mindset should have control over their borders, legal fictions reliant on unjust means should be disbanded for the good of mankind.
The U.S. is a legal fiction and doesn't own anything thru justly acquired means, as opposed to individual people who can justly own property if certain criteria is met.

So the real question and the lump under the carpet is on what basis does a legal fiction claim ownership of anything ?

Individual people or groups of individuals with a similar and agreed upon mindset should have control over their borders, legal fictions reliant on unjust means should be disbanded for the good of mankind.
In that case, you do not own your house. You signed a contract with a bank under this legal fiction. You agreed to play in the game
A property assessor's job is to size you up for the shearing. I've told them to quit their parasitic job and to take a fucking hike.

How can a thing be called "your property" if other people determine what you will do with it, and charge you money to be there?

Isn't that really a kind of lord and serf relationship, Slave?
Amen to that. :weed:
You all need a hobby lol. Should try fishing maybe. Rob can’t legally fish because that would require a licence forced on him by the state.

I don't need no stinkin' license to catch a fish.

The very way of you challenging his beliefs, and trying to contradict his statement, shows you have intolerance towards his faith.
Accept his beliefs are not the same as yours. Or seriously STFU!

The problem with some belief systems is they are based in holding two opposing views at once, which means the holder of those beliefs is either ignorant or incapable of adhering to a consistent core philosophy.

This is the bane of humanity and not many people can escape their own cognitive dissonance long enough to be open to considering other possibilities.

Einstein had a saying....
The very way of you challenging his beliefs, and trying to contradict his statement, shows you have intolerance towards his faith.
Accept his beliefs are not the same as yours. Or seriously STFU!
so faith financed his home ? or I'm I about to expose him for the hypocrite he is.
I accept others for who they are, unless who they are is something I cannot accept
It wasn't financed via a bank or a loan, numbnuts. Land was purchased (cash) , house was built.

Sweat equity, no stinkin' lien holder other than your beloved Nanny State.

If you can't accept a person, should you attack them or leave them alone if they agree to leave you alone ?
Are you agreeing to leave us all alone?

Awesome, I'd hate to be forced to read any more of your inebriated posts.
Are you agreeing to leave us all alone?

Awesome, I'd hate to be forced to read any more of your inebriated posts.

Except your erroneous beliefs don't remain simply beliefs, since you ask men with guns to inflict your belief system on others, who are willing to leave you alone as long as you leave them alone. Except you don't.

Thus my incessant rants are an act of defensive force to repel the offensive force you advocate.

I await your on point and concise rebuttal.

It wasn't financed via a bank or a loan, numbnuts. Land was purchased (cash) , house was built.

Sweat equity, no stinkin' lien holder other than your beloved Nanny State.

If you can't accept a person, should you attack them or leave them alone if they agree to leave you alone ?
Fine. and what would keep someone from coming to the land you purchased and taking it away from you ? Do you have proof that you purchased this land ? From whom ? How do we know they owned the land ?
Where is this information kept safely for all to verify, in case someone just came and " coped " your land and home while you were out hunting for roots and berries ? Are we to just take your word or is there somewhere else this can be verified ?

Depends on the person. I can't accept some people I have to deal with on a business level. I went into business as part owner of a car wash. The guy hired a complete ass to managed the place. I deal with him on a business level. Same with if a store is open to the public and the owner is a racist POS. He should still sell to everyone who comes into his store.
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