Civil Discourse

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To my eye, looks like the temperature leads the co2 concentration, not the other way around. Looks like we are due for some cold. Might cause less co2 to be emitted.
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Just a reminder, today's topic is: How can we tell when the left has gone too far?

Curiously, we have not gotten answers that vary yet. Maybe no one on the left can think of a way that the left could go too far...
Let's now talk about the propaganda mill paid for by the fossil fuel industry to plant doubt about human caused global warming in weak minds.

As Spin Doctor admitted earlier, he doubted the conclusion presented by concerned scientists that industrial activity is triggering rapid climate change. He said he had no good reason but doubted anyway. The fossil fuel industry never doubted the science they just wanted to protect profits. Their deception campaign was targeted to sow doubt in exactly the manner that spin doctor voiced. It's not a secret. This is from a couple of years. Exxon is facing legal action for the damage they did by this campaign.

Holding Major Fossil Fuel Companies Accountable for Nearly 40 Years of Climate Deception and Harm
They knew about global warming...and did worse than nothing.

An excerpt:

Leading fossil fuel companies have knowingly worked to deceive the public for decades about the realities and risks of climate change.

Their deceptive tactics—both individually and collectively through industry associations, think tanks, and front groups—are highlighted in The Climate Deception Dossiers, collections of internal company and trade association documents that have either been leaked, come to light through lawsuits, or been disclosed through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests.

Investigations by Inside Climate News and the Los Angeles Times have revealed additional evidence that ExxonMobil and other companies have known about the risks of climate change for decades.

Are you convinced that this is an issue? What should the penalties be for these nefarious actors?
The correlation is pretty good. What alternative to you propose if you reject this hypothesis to explain rapid global warming? Please provide details with your answer.
I wouldn't bet my life on any theory, or on what the weather or climate is going to do. How about solar activity? Seems like that's where the heat is coming from.
Just a reminder, today's topic is: How can we tell when the left has gone too far?

Curiously, we have not gotten answers that vary yet. Maybe no one on the left can think of a way that the left could go too far...
Building a wall to keep out the right or others we don't agree with might be too far
Or running over Nazi Sympathizers with a car might be too far
I can think of a couple but in too far I keep thinking of our right to "stand our ground"
I wouldn't bet my life on any theory, or on what the weather or climate is going to do. How about solar activity? Seems like that's where the heat is coming from.
Yes, the sun heats the earth. That's part of the energy balance equation. You just said you wouldn't bet your life on any theories. People are literally dying from the effects of global warming. You are betting their lives that your skepticism is justified. Let's just run down where we are.

You said you had no good reason to explain the recent rise in global temperatures but doubted that it was human caused because no good reason.
You agree that the physics of heat capacity of mixed gasses predict that the climate should warm when the balance is changed by enriching the mixture with carbon dioxide.
You asked for and I provided evidence that the earth's temperatures have tracked up and down with carbon dioxide ppm in the atmosphere. You doubted that there was good correlation but gave no good reason.
After agreeing with the science the claim that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are the root cause of recent changes in global temperartues, you still choose to disbelieve and are now taking wild ass guesses as to why.
You fail as usual to provide details about your wild ass guesses.

I've just shown reports that prove Exxon and other major oil companies 40 years ago had no doubt about Carbon Dioxide emissions causing global warming. They hired the same firms used by big tobacco to seed the same sort of doubt used to defend cigarettes. By your answers, they worked well on you.

After all we've discussed do you have any doubt and you might be wrong and that carbon dioxide emissions might be causing recent global warming? Do you still support Trump's evisceration of science departments that were in part funded to study global climate change?
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To my eye, looks like the temperature leads the co2 concentration, not the other way around. Looks like we are due for some cold. Might cause less co2 to be emitted.
Or you might just drop the bullshit and realize that the sudden (in geological terms) addition of seven billion humans who are all digging ancient sequestered carbon out of the ground and burning it might just be an important externality.
ISIS used trump in their recruiting videos

ISIS is responsible for the birth of your child ungrateful hating misogynist!

P.S. you probably mean DAESH.

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