Civil Discourse

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You think that is proof, because you have not looked at the circumstances of each case. In fact the disparity is proof of nothing.
In some states a white has never received the death penalty for killing a black man

Law of large numbers eliminates the possibility of circumstances justifying such an obvious racial disparity

Whites get special rights
It is racist to refer to a race as "savage swine" whose only redeeming quality is their body's water content.

Makes a lot of sense. You're just projecting.
Whites perpetrated the holocaust though. That makes whites uncivilized savage swine, objectively speaking

They do contain a fair amount of water though, which could be used to wash a dog. So that’s a redeeming quality
Well thank you everyone, for another day of civil discourse. Today's topic was:

Which of president Trump's actions as president do you disapprove of? Which do you approve of?

We got answers that vary. I did not have time to express all my thoughts today. Maybe we will return to this topic in the future. Thanks again yall. Keep growing.
Well thank you everyone, for another day of civil discourse. Today's topic was:

Which of president Trump's actions as president do you disapprove of? Which do you approve of?

We got answers that vary. I did not have time to express all my thoughts today. Maybe we will return to this topic in the future. Thanks again yall. Keep growing.
Tomorrow's question of the day is: Are Trump supporters stupid because of nature or nurture?
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