Well-Known Member
Just the ACT.at what?
Just the ACT.at what?
Dude, I'm mocking you. Yes, we all took those tests and yes, I scored high but I only say that because you asked. They are meaningless after the college applications are filed. Schools do use them but there are few who stand by doing so. They aren't predictive of a student's GPA in college or future performance afterward, much less how "smart" you are.Yall can attack me as stupid if you want to. I am smarter than 99 out of 100 random people, according to our most widely accepted aptitude test. Sorry that doesn't match the reflexive insults you throw at people who disagree with you.
Yall can attack me as stupid if you want to. I am smarter than 99 out of 100 random people, according to our most widely accepted aptitude test.
Ignorance isn't useful when designing aircraft or understanding real world problems like human caused global warming.I meant dribble, as in drooling idiot, skewed results from NASA, of course. Everyone is a politician or scientist, some talking head on T.V. tells you something and you believe it, spoon fed crap and you libs eat it. Human conception would not exist if there were more than two genders, illogical conclusion, when losing arguments most liberals always ask what your education level is, even if I went to yale, harvard, or any other indoctrination camp, you would dispute my authenticity, just like asking for citations, you would dispute the source, really the only reason a lot of Conservatives and libertarians ever debate with liberals is to see how far your stupidity goes, our research continues, please carry on.
Which posts?Your posts don't reflect your purported perspicacity
If they did, you wouldn't feel a need to tell us how smart you are
Oh yes, libertarian "research" (snicker)I meant dribble, as in drooling idiot, skewed results from NASA, of course. Everyone is a politician or scientist, some talking head on T.V. tells you something and you believe it, spoon fed crap and you libs eat it. Human conception would not exist if there were more than two genders, illogical conclusion, when losing arguments most liberals always ask what your education level is, even if I went to yale, harvard, or any other indoctrination camp, you would dispute my authenticity, just like asking for citations, you would dispute the source, really the only reason a lot of Conservatives and libertarians ever debate with liberals is to see how far your stupidity goes, our research continues, please carry on.
Why are you mocking me? Will you please stop? I would rather just have a conversation. Also, I have explained several times now that I do not believe anything unless I am convinced that it is true. (I should add that there are degrees of certainty.) You cannot point to one thing that I believe on faith, and the things that you do point to are examples of me being skeptical of what I have been told to believe, which is the opposite of believing on faith.Dude, I'm mocking you. Yes, we all took those tests and yes, I scored high but I only say that because you asked. They are meaningless after the college applications are filed. Schools do use them but there are few who stand by doing so. They aren't predictive of a student's GPA in college or future performance afterward, much less how "smart" you are.
We already went over your poor understanding of the world. What you believe on faith is unimportant.
Which posts?
Why are you mocking me?
Skepticism isn't simply doubt. When skeptics have doubts they seek answers. You doubt but expect others to provide the answers. Then you doubt those answers. You are a Juggalo.Why are you mocking me? Will you please stop? I would rather just have a conversation. Also, I have explained several times now that I do not believe anything unless I am convinced that it is true. (I should add that there are degrees of certainty.) You cannot point to one thing that I believe on faith, and the things that you do point to are examples of me being skeptical of what I have been told to believe, which is the opposite of believing on faith.
Very interesting. I did not know anything about juggalo culture. You misunderstand my thinking. I have no beliefs that I would not change, provided convincing evidence. This is why I went from Christian to atheist, from democrat to republican, from socialist to free market capitalist. I find that the facts line up better with those views. Feelings line up with Christians, democrats, and socialists. For example Christians, democrats, and socialists all view themselves as oppressed by opressors. This appeals to and encourages the anger, frustration, and paranoia many people feel. Republicans, atheists, and free market capitalists on the other hand, do not appeal to emotion. They present facts.Skepticism isn't simply doubt. When skeptics have doubts they seek answers. You doubt but expect others to provide the answers. Then you doubt those answers. You are a Juggalo.
unclebaldrick posted lyrics from Insane Clown Posse:
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
Y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed.
the single Miracles, a quasi-mystical number about all the wonders of the natural universe that Insane Clown Posse don't – but more importantly, don't want to – understand. The widely circulated highlight finds Shaggy 2 Dope pondering "Fuckin' magnets – how do they work?" before announcing his question was effectively rhetorical, because all scientists are "lying motherfuckers"
But Juggalo culture is no freak of nature. Indeed, one can see it as part of a reactionary groundswell of American culture that sees ignorance of science and book-learnin' not as a weakness, but as a virtue. It's the presidency of George W Bush (famously not really "a details guy"), Tea Party tub-thumpers convinced Obama is a Muslim socialist because Glenn Beck was just thinking it out loud, and creationists disproving evolution by pointing out no one ever found life in a jar of peanut butter.
This is a mindset that knows what it knows thanks to what the US comedian Stephen Colbert called "truthiness" etc etc – defined by Colbert as "a 'truth' that a person claims to know intuitively, from the gut, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination or facts". And it stubbornly refuses to be enlightened.
I said nothing about belief in my post. You must be referring to somebody else. JuggaloVery interesting. I did not know anything about juggalo culture. You misunderstand my thinking. I have no beliefs that I would not change, provided convincing evidence. This is why I went from Christian to atheist, from democrat to republican, from socialist to free market capitalist. I find that the facts line up better with those views. Feelings line up with Christians, democrats, and socialists. For example Christians, democrats, and socialists all view themselves as oppressed by opressors. This appeals to and encourages the anger, frustration, and paranoia many people feel. Republicans, atheists, and free market capitalists on the other hand, do not appeal to emotion. They present facts.
So, what do you think, are Trump supporters stupid because of nature or nurture? JuggaloOk. Good topic today.
What was the moral behind George Orwell's classic novel, animal farm?
Go on.So, what do you think, are Trump supporters stupid because of nature or nurture? Juggalo