Civilization Among The Other Planets


Well-Known Member
You are right I was confusing you with Mindphuk. That's who I was talking that whole time. Sorry you caught yourself in it.


Well-Known Member
look at birds... they have adapted their breast muscles to become more aerobic in order to maintain those great migrations they have each year... I think if flying were in our past evolutionary history, we would be well adapted by now for far flight.
obviously i wasnt talking about humans. i meant the alien species


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I did the thinking that I said I would do last night. I will post later in detail what I thought about.


Well-Known Member
The issue with all of this gravity talk, is that one is claimed a characteristic, the other is contradicting, and we are all generally agreeing. The issue is that we fail to understand how gravity works, why it works the way it does, and why it exists.

We still don't even know if sound waves / electrical signals can coincide with gravity in creating a vector grid, therefore traveling through gravity.

We don't know if it will take a harmonic balancer, or a electrohydrodynamic 'heavy water' powered engine that electrifies the atmosphere around an object, or if the trick is a mixture of naturally magnetic metals metals molded into a disk like shape. We don't know what the frequency or signal is that gravity works on. But spiders naturally understand an utilize it for web construction.


Well-Known Member
There is a new method still in lab that may take over hydrogen. They are using plasma and say that with plasma, speeds will increase exponentially compared to hydrogen jet propulsion

We might be the aliens. But even if we are, we can't harness light travel. The fastest we know how to make something go is by making a HUGE explosion under it. we would have to meet another race before we could come back, or it would have to be ridiculously into the future, ad their just coming back to kill specific butterflies or Beatles, and chop down certain trees. (or is it dark:burn down the right house, kill the right guy) to alter their history drastically.


Well-Known Member
We do know that gravity seems to appear in large masses. Not to say a smaller mass that is much more dense couldn't have the same or heavier gravity characteristics. but life only exists in sustainable and consistent gravity fields. hence another civilization would have to be relative in size to the planet and the force of gravity.


Well-Known Member
We do know that gravity seems to appear in large masses. Not to say a smaller mass that is much more dense couldn't have the same or heavier gravity characteristics. but life only exists in sustainable and consistent gravity fields. hence another civilization would have to be relative in size to the planet and the force of gravity.
every object has gravity. the earths gravity can be overtaken by a small magnet. so a baseball would have a VERY tiny gravitational 'field', so it does still exist, however small it may be


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here's what I thought about:
What if life didn't evolve on planets, what if some or all life got its start at the big bang, or beginning of creation or whatever. And what if there was a lot of new life forms just flying through space, in the right conditions. Slightly growing and waiting to crash land to begin true adaptation.
What if space is just like a huge ocean, like the empty black of the universe is like water, and the planets are like bubbles or dust. Now what if there are giant fish, swimming through this giant ocean. Eating other giant space sea creatures and gobbling up planets in one bite. These fish would have evolved while flying through space, so they could have some how developed a way to manipulate or handle the thrust in a single direction and eventually manipulate in in to multiple directions. It would be more similar to deep sea glowing fish than regular fish, as it would be evolving in an unforgiving environment with a very different adaptation need than most things. What if we have already been eaten by one of these fish. What is our galaxy, and all the other galaxy's that we can see are just the meals of a giant space fish. Our universe could be the inside of a stomach, and how would we know any better?

Now back to the car question from the very very very beginning of this thread. The cars may be different in that, they discovered flight before friction. What if there was an animal that evolved, using another animal for flight and they lived in a very cliff filled setting. And when they went to construct the first thing to transport items or themselves from place to place, they may begin by trying to figure out their flying animal friends and discover flight before wheels. Now, what if there are slug people. No feet, kinda like a snake lower body, but even less maneuverable. They would need some kind of car using a sphere in the floor for them to roll over and guide the vehicle. Or at least something cylindrical that they can crawl in, and make tilt and roll in certain directions. And what if there were fish people, that either remained under water, or came above water at some point. They would probably have vehicles that had more visually moving pieces, like anything flowing through water. Or they might just have technology based more for the ocean, but adapted for land and air later when they came out of the water. And what if there were gas bag people. Like people just filled with a gas that was lighter than the gs that made up most of their air. They would first off be farty and nasty all the time, but it might not smell bad. They would probably utilize some kind of wind transportation. Either like hover craft half bowls, with fans on the bottom going all possible directions blowing them to where they need to be, or something that actually blew air towards them and pushed them. Like a sail boat. And what if there are plant people. Like they just eat the sun, don't move much at all except for water or something they need that the sun isn't giving them. They would have probably harnessed solar power VERY early on and their vehicles would probably be unimaginable in our world since that is a way to harmonized environment (plant people) for us to imagine correctly as humans. So the "Greys" that everyone sees with the grey skin, and big heads is very very far from what aliens will look like. It is a very slim chance that the aliens will look that similar to us, that would almost be like a miracle. If they do look like us it would be more likely that it is because it is us from the future, either evolved freakishly, or mixed with another race.
Now, think about the differences between Texas and New York. Those two places seem almost to not even be in the same country with accents, and relations. But they are. Two people's, so diverse, but still all in the same country. Now things about Mexico. How different is New York from the culture of southern Mexico(Oaxaxa). Texas is actually more similar to it than Mexico, but Texas and Mexico aren't in the same country at all. And think about how diverse Texans are from Chinese, or Russians. And all this is on earth. Think about how diversified aliens must be from us.
Now think about animal relationships. Animals in an area can barley communicate any more, and there is no way for animals all around the world to communicate with each other. But they all act similar to each other, no matter what section of the world your in as long as it's the same species. I think everything on earth is essentially from the same family tree, and it just branched of different ways. Everything lives similarly to each other in ways.
Think about the relationships animals have had with humans throughout time. There are (Native American) Indians that believe they are ancestors of wolves, and their are other tribes that revere the wolf for teaching them to hunt peyote, as they hunt deer. And from that stems a huge spiritual bond. We may have learned how to perfect pack mentality simply by watching the best animals do it.
Now think about plants relationship to everything. Plants seem to be the lowlyest of the multicelled life forms. But they are far from that. Think about it, we breath out CO2 from Oxygen, plants do the exact opposite, we eat them they eat us. I believe at some point, life on earth (for animals) began as a side effect of plant life. And plants may have conscientiously made this decision knowing that they needed something that breathed the opposite of them, and could die to become their fertilizer. They may have also noticed the advantage of mobile bodies. Plants may be the masterminds behind the entire animal world. They could be pulling the strings and guiding everything and we would never know.
We have only had electricity for about 100-200 years. We don't even have any idea yet what putting a thin layer of electromagnetic activity at the crust of your planet does. But we do it anyways, because we don't even think about it. We rushed so fast into the discovery of electricity that we kinda dropped the ball with this whole thing. We have fallen so far due to electricity, that we can't even begin to imagine what the next discovery of that magnitude will be. A huge percentage of the planet is too busy deciding what apps to buy for their smart phones. No one knows how to think anymore, a couple smart people have been pumping out some smart toys for everyone (gps, smart phones, etc.) and the general population believes they are the genius's because they've figured out how to play with them. I bet only 1% of the planet could put a smart phone together if every single piece and tool was in front of them, and I bet about 25% of that 1% is sweatshop working foreign children.
But basically, aliens should be nothing like humans. Humans are the scariest animal on the planet in my opinion. Animals at least give you some warning before ripping your face off. A human will deceit you all the way tot he bullet in your face. And do you feel safe talking to a bear??? There may be a few rouge aliens, who (against rules) visit earth and the other craziness planets. But if there are rules for planetary discovery, or travel. I'm almost positive we aren't going to be considered a "tourist destination".
What if there are planets that were similar or different than us (doesn't matter, as long as they can do the things I talk about here), but they had different time frames for their technological advances. Like say there was a planet, where they discovered conductivity of heat before or at the same time as fire, and began working with that knowledge right away. What if there was a race that discovered batteries super early. They have found something they have dubbed "The Pakistan battery" I'm pretty sure. It was a battery made like 500 years ago, but they don't think that the people new it was a battery. Batteries are simple, and electricity could have easily been jump started by a society this way. What if there is a planet with no titles or jobs, you just do what you do to survive, and other than that it's only important to communicate with the rest of your people. What if there is a planet with no race difference. Everyone is equal and treated as equals, they would get SO MUCH done. Imagine a planet with no human and animal cultural barrier. They didn't pass down a book to ingrain in their heads that they were "better" than other animals, and helped other animals evolve at faster paces and helped them communicate and everything. Basically humans and animals living 100% side by side. Now, what if there was a planet with no human animal barrier. Where any species can reproduce with any species. What about a planet with no human plant barrier, and the humans pollinate the plants or vice versa. Like women evolved into plants, and men stayed animals. And they met somewhere in the middle. Imagine a whole new branch of Etymology. Like not plants animals or single celled stuff. A whole new genre.
What if Transformers happened? it's possible. A planet begins to run out of resources and famine is killing off it's people, but have abundance of something like oil. They have to change their bodies to survive. They replace their veins with tubing and wiring, there nerves with wiring, bones with metal, lungs with airbags, heart with pump, etc, etc. They have now build themselves into a robotic race, and as long as they keep the reproductive system alive in some way they could continue.
What if there was a super conscious planet. Like they tapped completely into Quantum Physics or something equally universe bending that we haven't discovered yet. Like they live at peace and at one with their planet, and it is a battery and a guide to them. Not a resource.
Now think about spirits and ghosts. Like we only see a certain spectrum of light, and there are many forms of waves that we can't see. What if spirits are just not solid bodies. They exist on a plane between the act of thought and actual consciousness, but not in a body. On a spectrum of light that is not visible to our eyes or machines. Right in front of us, just invisible in that aspect.
Now this is a form of "Alien" that could come from our own planet. Imagine that during the blotting out of the dinosaur sun. Some of these cold blooded creatures tried to reach the center of the earth where the heat is, so they could lay their bellies on hot rocks. Now what if down here these animals evolved, and gained cognitive action. What if they are smarter than us, but racist against surface dwellers. They would definitely want their planet "back". And when these reptilians came to the surface, we would most likely consider them aliens. And this is another possibility for the greys.
There is evidence that something smarter than us has been here. First off, the Hindu text called the "Rig Veda" contains stories about massive ships that flew over holy cities blasting them with things equivalent to the Hiroshima bomb. They spoke of many crazy things, I'm surprised more people don't know about it, it's the first human writing, talks about all this stuff. And there is glass in the sand as evidence of these blasts.
On this planet Western Civilization ha become the rule of the day. This has a very long history, that altered at any point being changed would have drastically changed history. It started off, as far as I know, with Judaism. The Jews decided that they were going to only support each other (the chosen people) and everyone else was fodder. From here the ideas of Rome were next. It became the most prominent idea of the day (became an empire) and a series of wars and rulers shaped its history. Then the Jews and Christians had their dispute, and took over the Roman empire soonish after. Which then spread to America. Imagine if the Hindus or Muslims, or an alien religion or organization became the Judaism of that day. We would not be the same at all. Imagine Khan had taken over Rome. Again, history would never be the same. These individual events shaped our planets history, and any wrench in any part of the machine would have had differing end results.
What if their are two planets that have merged their histories. One at about the feudalism era, one further along than our planet. The evolution, technologies, and languages of both would change DRASTICALLY.
What if that already happened on earth, a small group of greedy humans are in league with aliens sharing technology. But maybe it's a test of greed. Maybe they're just greedy too though.
The Nazi's were actually said to have been working with aliens. There are literally quotes from their scientist before and after coming to the American team, about having been helped by aliens. During world war two, the Nazi's made unimaginable technological advancements. At the end of WWII America had a program called project PAPERCLIP. This project took German scientist from Germany and pardoned them of heinous war crimes in exchange for their scientific mind. And you can look it up, people are literally quoted as saying they were helped by aliens. In and out of America.

Well, That's it. I just started thinking last night and went off on some Tangents.


Ursus marijanus
He's actually talking about G. I was only trying to get him to recognize it's acceleration not speed he was talking about. He missed that. Don't confuse him with the details.
Oh. It appears that in my somewhat baked condition my controversy sensor was not doing its thing. I wasn't looking to fuel a fight.
cheers 'neer


Active Member
And what if there were gas bag people. Like people just filled with a gas that was lighter than the gs that made up most of their air. They would first off be farty and nasty all the time, but it might not smell bad.
Is it wrong that this part stuck out to me the most? LOL haha good stuff buddy...but you REALLY put some thought into this, and who knows, you could be right, or we all could be right.

But to kind of take it in a different direction, how about this; which of the following would you think would cause the MOST variation from life on earth? If you were to only replace ONE of these, but every other aspect of the other planet remained identical to earth:

-Atmospheric pressure, and the makeup of the gasses within it
-The landscape, as well as the proportion of landmass vs water
-Orbital period around said planet's sun, and/or the photoperiod (example, one day to that planet, is equal to 4 straight earth days of light followed by 4 earth days of nighttime)
-Mass and gravitational field of said planet
-Amount of moons/suns that planet orbited, or had orbiting around it in the case of moons


Well-Known Member
every object has gravity. the earths gravity can be overtaken by a small magnet. so a baseball would have a VERY tiny gravitational 'field', so it does still exist, however small it may be
Not true at all. A sheet of paper does not display its own gravity, it displays characteristics that imply it is effected by Earths gravity. Again, you are making overly general claims regarding Gravity. You have absolutely no idea. A baseball only has inertia from someone throwing or hitting it. If it does contain gravity merely because it is spherical, it is beyond immeasurable.

Large masses contain gravity, its most likely due to a core-structure that we have yet to study for obvious reasons.


Active Member
Not true at all. A sheet of paper does not display its own gravity, it displays characteristics that imply it is effected by Earths gravity. Again, you are making overly general claims regarding Gravity. You have absolutely no idea. A baseball only has inertia from someone throwing or hitting it. If it does contain gravity merely because it is spherical, it is beyond immeasurable.

Large masses contain gravity, its most likely due to a core-structure that we have yet to study for obvious reasons.
I may sound stupid, but it was my understanding that all particles had a gravitational effect on other particles, minus the photon, because it has no mass...? What did l miss in science foundations lol


Well-Known Member
I think a combination of moving tides, relative to the moon, and a consistent sun schedule (non-oscillating orbit) are the most vital factors. Along with temperature. Too far or close from a sun, and drastically different effects in terms of radiation, thermal bridging, seasons, etc... There needs to be a sustainable gravitational field or else life forms would be developmentally challenged. If there was half as much gravity on Earth, we wouldn't be able to develop muscles nearly as efficiently, which is vital to hunting/general movement.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. All of those would have major effects, idk which one would be the greatest difference.

I guess I pick different land stuff. If the environment was something we had never seen we couldn't even imagine them, and less/more water, less/more land would effect the amount of life and how far you could go into the land.


Well-Known Member
Particle effects on one-another are not necessarily relevant to gravity. It could be a reaction that only exists in an environment with gravity. Even vacuum tested, gravity is still a factor. Until you take the test into space is it truly free of gravity's naturally effects. NASA has done extensive testing regarding this FACT.


Well-Known Member
I think your misunderstanding is that all particles are effected by gravity. Which there is an abundance of, on Earth.