

Active Member
I'm growing some bubblegum in peat moss, vermiculite and perlite under a 250W ceramic metal halide and I'm around 4-5 weeks into veg and the claw started about a week ago and I have no Idea why (my guess is over fert, but it's happening in new growth as well). I'm using Botanicare pure blend pro grow with liquid karma and I watered with 400 ppm a week and a half ago and then realized it was too much (as foretold by the dark green lower leaves), so I flushed and lowered nutes to 200 ppm ph'd to 6-6.5. I tested the soil and it reads true to what I've been watering with. I'm not sure what's going on.



Well-Known Member
overwatering and an extreme excess of nitrogen. Im sure the ph is off too and Im sure there will be nute lockout in your future


Active Member
That pot holds its water for a very long time. I watered a week or so ago and the top of the mix is still wet.


Well-Known Member
Its a ph issue...clawing is ph not drowning..over watering will cause droopy plants! Flush with water and check the ph in the run off. after that run perfect ph water in the plant and let it sit for a few days. You should see the leaves start to go back to normal. Good luck