Clawing...can she be saved?

Could be pH, been using tap water the city says is 8.0 with some lemon juice. Happy Frog should be buffered tho and adjusted to 6.5 or so.
Should be. Was before increased profits decreased proper cure or mature time of inputs. Try 7.0 for 2 waterings. Bet you see the claw go away and leaves lighten a bit. LOL.
Should be. Was before increased profits decreased proper cure or mature time of inputs. Try 7.0 for 2 waterings. Bet you see the claw go away and leaves lighten a bit. LOL.
Like beckyjane, it’s only 3 or 4 plants out of 25 so no big deal. I have a meter for pH but don’t use it much.
I do not recommend anything because everyone and their situation is different.

I use FF happy frog, dry amendments w/ EWC and distilled water. I prefer amending my soil, letting the plants feed as they wish, and watering only when they need it.

I do not want to be tied to the house with plant feeding or watering every day and all the shit associated with that.

I respect that. Thank you for the info.
I use every watering, but dont suffer plant problems either. When l dont ph l get yellowing and purple plants, not happy but my tapwater is 10ph so its a must. Best wishes to all too.