clean and sober


Active Member
It is hard to keep clean and sober been that way for almost well seems like years but realy only about 7 weeks.
I needed to get my head sorted as not been clean for about 12 years did have a little blip on monday i had 3 beers but it is hard when there is fukall to do.
The money i am saving from not spending on weed is mounting but i am starting to get moody up and down like a mofo.
Had an argument with the wife over fukall the other night the first one in god knows how many years.
It feels bad when it is like that and makes me want to go get some weed but i will see how long i can stay clean for?


Active Member
On days like this it is raining so i want be going out tv is shit but i will make it going to try to see if i can go 6 months clean and sober that should be fun lol.


If I quit weed then I'd have to drink more. Not Nice. But yeah the stress is unbelievable if you haven't smoked in awhile and there's the boredom. Right now I just wanna make peace with the fact that I'm a smoker. Been trying to quit too but to no avail.


Well-Known Member
Inspirational, Halfloaf. Check in on your progress towards the six months as you go along. It's good to read how your doing.


Active Member
Thank you for poping in will get better for me once i go back to work as i will be ocupied most days going to a friends house tonight he is not a smoker but i may be tempted to have a drink hope my willpower holds up there.

I will pop back in to this in about 3 weeks to see if i have been a good boy.


Active Member
Good man, yeah work really helps with keeping your mind occupied. Consider playing a musical instrument, it a great thing to do indoors that saps all your attention and takes your mind of the waves of cravings for a beer/joint. I find if I come home from work and focus on making a nice meal, eat it, then practice some music - I will find myself at 9 or 10pm rolling the first joint of the day.


Well-Known Member
Years ago I had issues and went to AA every day twice a day, it works. Did the same as you I stayed dry for one full year until I felt I could handle it. Drink now but have no trouble with it and I stay productive


Active Member
It is not the drink it's the weed that is fukin me starting to have loss of motivation and never finnishing shit i start lol sounds just like a good old stoner to me no long back from a friends still clean and sober woohoo lol.
Did have temptation as there was alot of beer going about but i was strong.


Active Member
i feel your pain. i stopped smoking/vaping in february for a new job. i got the job but have not smoked just to see how long i could go. i personally dont like alcohol, but will drink if im out with friends. you need to find things to take your mind busy. have you tried working out or getting into a new hobby with the money you are saving?

i really never had a problem with productivity and weed, i was really functional when i was high. but then i guess i must have gotten used to being high all day every day. i would go into work all baked and no one would know the difference. when i quite my old job i told some people that i was a pot head and they were shocked as hell to hear that come out of my mouth.


Well-Known Member
is this like one of those o shit you look at your plant and it makes you feel like an addict things? dude maybe you need to smoke. theres allot of down time everywhere it will play games with your head if your not careful especially when you stop smoking. if it keeps you from fighting with the wife then do it. its your God given right to.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha dude was stabed in the back by a friend and was a prick render unto not caesar. the romans had their heads up their ass to be sacked by a bunch of barbarians we tore that shit down so fast to build our own cities.


Ursus marijanus
ha ha ha dude was stabed in the back by a friend and was a prick render unto not caesar. the romans had their heads up their ass to be sacked by a bunch of barbarians we tore that shit down so fast to build our own cities.
You didn't recognize the Bible quote? I was responding to "God-given right". People have a way of abridging those. cn


Well-Known Member
It is hard to keep clean and sober been that way for almost well seems like years but realy only about 7 weeks.
I needed to get my head sorted as not been clean for about 12 years did have a little blip on monday i had 3 beers but it is hard when there is fukall to do.
The money i am saving from not spending on weed is mounting but i am starting to get moody up and down like a mofo.
Had an argument with the wife over fukall the other night the first one in god knows how many years.
It feels bad when it is like that and makes me want to go get some weed but i will see how long i can stay clean for?
Its all good! Staying sober for a time is good for the mind and body. I have not drank in almost 20 years, quit smoking pot for 12 years but picked it up again.

I am a powerless addict/alky and herb is the least damaging to me especially since AZ has a MM program.

I pray you manage it well whatever decision you make.


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm an alcoholic and my problem is jimmy. I've been thru the program a couple times and have recently started going back to my meetings. Have almost a month without a drink. And I'm a very heavy daily drinker so a month is really good for me. One day at a time is all we can do. The first couple weeks were really hard for me but I have a great sponsor this time and he has made it a lot easier for me. Best of luck in your travels man. For me just a daily reminder that I'm doing the right thing for me has really helped. For me picking up another drink could mean my life.


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm an alcoholic and my problem is jimmy. I've been thru the program a couple times and have recently started going back to my meetings. Have almost a month without a drink. And I'm a very heavy daily drinker so a month is really good for me. One day at a time is all we can do. The first couple weeks were really hard for me but I have a great sponsor this time and he has made it a lot easier for me. Best of luck in your travels man. For me just a daily reminder that I'm doing the right thing for me has really helped. For me picking up another drink could mean my life.
yeah when i was drinkin heavily it was bad, i finally knocked it off.. took a long time to figure out drinkin was the thing fucking me over all the time to. i mean, i was fucking myself over but without bein trashed it woulda never happened. i still have a couple beers or something every now and then but its been a while since i been wasted or even drunk lol. but life is easier, and a whole lot cheaper without drinkin a lot


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I used to drink daily in my 20's until it started to do some damage to my body. The kidney infections were the worst. My doctor told me if I keep this shit up I will have to get new kidneys. So that basically was my wake up call to knock it off. It was hard the first few months but it did get easier as time went on. I only drink once in a awhile now like out in social environments and know my limits. Live and learn eh. Good for you halfloaf for staying sober....You can do it!. :D


Well-Known Member
I used to drink daily in my 20's until it started to do some damage to my body. The kidney infections were the worst. My doctor told me if I keep this shit up I will have to get new kidneys. So that basically was my wake up call to knock it off. It was hard the first few months but it did get easier as time went on. I only drink once in a awhile now like out in social environments and know my limits. Live and learn eh. Good for you halfloaf for staying sober....You can do it!. :D
i just kept ending up in silver bracelets lol