Clean Grow room advise


Please share some of your thoughts on what goes into keeping your grow room as clean as possible. Here are a few that I can think of:

- Don't keep anything that is not grow related in the grow room. Example - furniture.

- Don't allow anyone in or out of the room unless they need to be in there. Even then, be conscious of their hygiene. No dirty people in the room.

- vacuum often


Well-Known Member
Twice a year I empty everything out of the room and use bleach/water to scrub everything down and do the same to each item I bring back in. I clean up as I go as well, but the deep cleanings are necessary every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
Not much different than already posted:
No storage of anything not directly related to the grow, includes supplies for growing
Vacuum well every 4-6 weeks
Every 12 - 16 weeks, take everything out (first rule comes in handy here), wipe everything down, mop/wipe walls/ceiling/floors with diluted bleach solution, air out and re-load